Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

You can listen to or download previous sermons from the list below.

The list is sorted alphabetically by filename, which starts with the number of the sermon, so the sermons are in the order in which they were preached.

If you want to search for a particular sermon series, use CTRL-F to use your web browser search feature to find the name of the book of the Bible.

[0011] UnfaithfulnessRev. Peter VosteenJeremiah  Download: [0011] Unfaithfulness
[0015] Jesus Lord of SpiritsRev. John DekoekoekMark  Download: [0015] Jesus Lord of Spirits
[0017] Welcome to the BanquetsRev. Randy BergquistMark  Download: [0017] Welcome to the Banquets
[0019] Not of This WorldMr. Rudie DuysingsJohn  Download: [0019] Not of This World
[0021] A Confirmation of LoveMr. Rudie DuysingsJohn  Download: [0021] A Confirmation of Love
[0028] Let There Be LightRev. John SpainMatthew  Download: [0028] Let There Be Light
[0029] Is There Guile in Me-Mr. Rudie DuysingsMatthew  Download: [0029] Is There Guile in Me-
[0031] A Child of the FatherMr. Rudie DuysingsJohn  Download: [0031] A Child of the Father
[0033] Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HappinessMr. Rudie Duysings2 Corinthians  Download: [0033] Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
[0034] I Shall Not WantMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalms  Download: [0034] I Shall Not Want
[0035] He Maketh Me to Lie DownMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalms  Download: [0035] He Maketh Me to Lie Down
[0036] No FearRev. John DeKoekoekPsalms  Download: [0036] No Fear
[0037] He Leadeth Me Besides the Still WatersMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalms  Download: [0037] He Leadeth Me Besides the Still Waters
[0038] He Restoreth My SoulMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalms  Download: [0038] He Restoreth My Soul
[0039] Jesus- The Resurrection and the LifeRev. John DeKoekoekMark  Download: [0039] Jesus- The Resurrection and the Life
[0040] The Ten Commandments and the Lord’s PrayerRev. John DeKoekoekMatthew  Download: [0040] The Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer
[0041] Born Again to a Living HopeMr. Andy Elam1 Peter  Download: [0041] Born Again to a Living Hope
[0042] Safe DemandedRev. John DeKoekoekMatthew  Download: [0042] Safe Demanded
[0043] Vision From GodRev. John DeKoekoek2 Kings  Download: [0043] Vision From God
[0044] Biblical Baptism and BabiesRev. Earl Vander HoffColossians  Download: [0044] Biblical Baptism and Babies
[0046] A Call To PerseverenceMr. Robert Van KootenJude10-2-1994 Download: [0046] A Call To Perseverence
[0047] A Call to the WildernessMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-9-1994 Download: [0047] A Call to the Wilderness
[0048] Paradise RegainedMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-16-1994 Download: [0048] Paradise Regained
[0049] Come Follow MeMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-23-1994 Download: [0049] Come Follow Me
[0050] Freedom From BondageMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-30-1994 Download: [0050] Freedom From Bondage
[0051] Get Up, Take Up Your Mat and Go HomeMr. Robert Van KootenMark11-6-1994 Download: [0051] Get Up, Take Up Your Mat and Go Home
[0052] A Meal with JesusMr. Robert Van KootenMark11-13-1994 Download: [0052] A Meal with Jesus
[0053] The Bride Groom is HereMr. Robert Van KootenMark11-20-1994 Download: [0053] The Bride Groom is Here
[0054] Lord of the SabbathMr. Robert Van KootenMark11-27-1994 Download: [0054] Lord of the Sabbath
[0055] The New IsraelMr. Robert Van KootenMark12-4-1994 Download: [0055] The New Israel
[0056] The Eternal Family of ChristMr. Robert Van KootenMark12-11-1994 Download: [0056] The Eternal Family of Christ
[0057] The Lord SavesMr. Robert Van KootenJoshua12-18-1994 Download: [0057] The Lord Saves
[0058] The Exalted KingMr. Robert Van KootenMatthew12-25-1994 Download: [0058] The Exalted King
[0059] How Do We Live Without A King-Mr. Robert Van KootenPsalms1-1-1995 Download: [0059] How Do We Live Without A King-
[0060] Sowing the SeedMr. Robert Van KootenMark1-8-1995 Download: [0060] Sowing the Seed
[0061] Lamp On The StandMr. Robert Van KootenMark1-15-1995 Download: [0061] Lamp On The Stand
[0062] The Growing KingdomMr. Robert Van KootenMark1-22-1995 Download: [0062] The Growing Kingdom
[0064] Calming the StormMr. Robert Van KootenMark2-5-1995 Download: [0064] Calming the Storm
[0065] Jesus Demonstrates His PowerMr. Robert Van KootenMark2-12-1995 Download: [0065] Jesus Demonstrates His Power
[0066] The Greatest MiracleMr. Robert Van KootenMark2-19-1995 Download: [0066] The Greatest Miracle
[0067] The Mission RejectedMr. Robert Van KootenMark2-26-1995 Download: [0067] The Mission Rejected
[0068] An Innocent ManMr. Robert Van KootenMark3-5-1995 Download: [0068] An Innocent Man
[0069] Like Sheep Without a ShepherdMr. Robert Van KootenMark3-12-1995 Download: [0069] Like Sheep Without a Shepherd
[0070] Crossing the SeaMr. Robert Van KootenMark3-19-1995 Download: [0070] Crossing the Sea
[0072] Are You Wearing a MaskMr. Robert Van KootenMark4-2-1995 Download: [0072] Are You Wearing a Mask
[0073] The Faith of the GentilesMr. Robert Van KootenMark4-9-1995 Download: [0073] The Faith of the Gentiles
[0075] Resurrection From the DeadMr. Robert Van KootenLuke4-16-1995 Download: [0075] Resurrection From the Dead
[0076] Blessed AssuranceMr. Robert Van KootenMark4-23-1995 Download: [0076] Blessed Assurance
[0078] Ruth’s FaithMr. Robert Van KootenRuth5-7-1995 Download: [0078] Ruth’s Faith
[0079] Bread for the GentilesMr. Robert Van KootenMark5-14-1995 Download: [0079] Bread for the Gentiles
[0080] The Turning PointMr. Robert Van KootenMark5-21-1995 Download: [0080] The Turning Point
[0081] Formula for a Happy HomeRev. Earl VanderhoffEphesians  Download: [0081] Formula for a Happy Home
[0082] The TransfigurationMr. Robert Van KootenMark6-4-1995 Download: [0082] The Transfiguration
[0083] The Prayer of FaithMr. Robert Van KootenMark6-11-1995 Download: [0083] The Prayer of Faith
[0084] Peace with One AnotherMr. Robert Van KootenMark6-18-1995 Download: [0084] Peace with One Another
[0085] Passing the TestMr. Robert Van KootenMark6-25-1995 Download: [0085] Passing the Test
[0090] The Judgment OrdealRev. Randy BergquistGenesis  Download: [0090] The Judgment Ordeal
[0091] The Things of God and the Things of ManRev. John HoogstrateMatthew  Download: [0091] The Things of God and the Things of Man
[0098] What Does God Want-Rev. Pete VosteenPsalms  Download: [0098] What Does God Want-
[0099] What Makes a Good Pastor-Mr. Robert Van Kooten2 Kings  Download: [0099] What Makes a Good Pastor-
[0100] The Triumphal EntryMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-8-19995 Download: [0100] The Triumphal Entry
[0101] The Tree DestroyedMr. Robert Van KootenMark10-15-1995 Download: [0101] The Tree Destroyed
[0102] Ordination SermonRev. Ronald BouwkampLuke  Download: [0102] Ordination Sermon
[0108] The Greatest CommandmentMr. Robert Van KootenMark11-26-1995 Download: [0108] The Greatest Commandment
[0118] Condemned by His OwnMr. Robert Van KootenMark1-28-1996 Download: [0118] Condemned by His Own
[0119] Disowning the SaviorMr. Robert Van KootenMark2-4-1996 Download: [0119] Disowning the Savior
[0132] The Message of HebrewsPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0132] The Message of Hebrews
[0133] These Last DaysPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0133] These Last Days
[0137] God’s Gracious VoicesMr. Rich MillerIsaiah  Download: [0137] God’s Gracious Voices
[0139] The Supremacy of the SonPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0139] The Supremacy of the Son
[0140] A Warning to Pay AttentionPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0140] A Warning to Pay Attention
[0144] A Divine EngagementElder Scott HunterJohn  Download: [0144] A Divine Engagement
[0145] Don’t Be Like Your FathersPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0145] Don’t Be Like Your Fathers
[0146] Entering Our Sabbath Rest–Part IPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0146] Entering Our Sabbath Rest–Part I
[0147] A Steadfast WitnessMr. Mark BubeActs  Download: [0147] A Steadfast Witness
[0148] Entering Our Sabbath Rest–Part IIPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0148] Entering Our Sabbath Rest–Part II
[0150] Jacob I Loved, Esau I HatedElder Scott HunterRomans  Download: [0150] Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated
[0151] Let Us Approach the Throne of GracePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0151] Let Us Approach the Throne of Grace
[0152] Obedience Learned Through SufferingPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0152] Obedience Learned Through Suffering
[0153] You Ought to be TeachersPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0153] You Ought to be Teachers
[0154] Carried Along to MaturityPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0154] Carried Along to Maturity
[0155] We Are Confident of Better ThingsPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0155] We Are Confident of Better Things
[0156] The Anchor of Our SoulPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0156] The Anchor of Our Soul
[0157] Our High Priest ForeverPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0157] Our High Priest Forever
[0158] Our Permanent GuaranteePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0158] Our Permanent Guarantee
[0159] How do We Live in Babylon-Pastor Robert Van KootenJeremiah  Download: [0159] How do We Live in Babylon-
[0160] Look to Your High PriestPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0160] Look to Your High Priest
[0161] A Better CovenantPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0161] A Better Covenant
[0162] Limited Access to GodPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0162] Limited Access to God
[0163] The Mediator Brings the BlessingPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0163] The Mediator Brings the Blessing
[0164] Why Did Jesus Have to Die-Pastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0164] Why Did Jesus Have to Die-
[0165] The Birth of a New CreationPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0165] The Birth of a New Creation
[0166] One Day He’s ComingPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0166] One Day He’s Coming
[0167] Cleansing the ConsciencePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0167] Cleansing the Conscience
[0169] Are You Denying the Truth-Pastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0169] Are You Denying the Truth-
[0170] Past and Future FaithPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0170] Past and Future Faith
[0171] Faith That RewardsPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0171] Faith That Rewards
[0172] Imputation- Essential to UnderstandRev. Randy BergquistRomans  Download: [0172] Imputation- Essential to Understand
[0173] The Faith of NoahPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0173] The Faith of Noah
[0174] The Faith of a Tent DwellerPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0174] The Faith of a Tent Dweller
[0175] Faith in the PromisePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0175] Faith in the Promise
[0176] Resurrection FaithPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0176] Resurrection Faith
[0177] Faith in God’s SovereigntyPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0177] Faith in God’s Sovereignty
[0178] Resurrection Future and PresentPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Corinthians  Download: [0178] Resurrection Future and Present
[0179] The Blessings of Joseph’s SonsPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0179] The Blessings of Joseph’s Sons
[0180] Do You Have the Faith of Joseph-Pastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0180] Do You Have the Faith of Joseph-
[0181] Faith in VanityPastor Robert Van KootenEcclesiastes  Download: [0181] Faith in Vanity
[0182] The Faith in the ExodusPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0182] The Faith in the Exodus
[0183] The Faith of RahabPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0183] The Faith of Rahab
[0184] Wisdom for MothersPastor Robert Van KootenProverbs  Download: [0184] Wisdom for Mothers
[0186] Faith in WeaknessPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0186] Faith in Weakness
[0187] Faith in God’s Unusual WaysPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0187] Faith in God’s Unusual Ways
[0188] The Christian’s RestorationMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalm  Download: [0188] The Christian’s Restoration
[0189] Faithful FathersPastor Robert Van KootenEphesians  Download: [0189] Faithful Fathers
[0190] Faith That PerseveresPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0190] Faith That Perseveres
[0191] The Faith of JephthahPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0191] The Faith of Jephthah
[0192] Exiled But Not ForgottenElder Scott HunterPsalm  Download: [0192] Exiled But Not Forgotten
[0193] The Essence of the KingdomRev. Rich MillerRomans  Download: [0193] The Essence of the Kingdom
[0194] The Faith of DavidPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0194] The Faith of David
[0195] The Faith of a ServantPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0195] The Faith of a Servant
[0196] The Faith of the ProphetsPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0196] The Faith of the Prophets
[0197] How is Your Running-Pastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0197] How is Your Running-
[0198] Why Bad Things Happen t God’s PeoplePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0198] Why Bad Things Happen t God’s People
[0199] Feeble Arms and Weak KneesPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0199] Feeble Arms and Weak Knees
[0200] You Have Come to Mt. ZionPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0200] You Have Come to Mt. Zion
[0201] The Kingdom That Cannot be ShakenPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0201] The Kingdom That Cannot be Shaken
[0202] Honoring God’s WordMr. Mark Renkema2 Kings  Download: [0202] Honoring God’s Word
[0203] Love Your BrotherPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0203] Love Your Brother
[0204] Honoring MarriagePastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0204] Honoring Marriage
[0205] Be Content with God’s ProvisionPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0205] Be Content with God’s Provision
[0206] Jesus Christ the Same ForeverPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0206] Jesus Christ the Same Forever
[0207] The Alter of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0207] The Alter of Christ
[0208] Offering Your SacrificesPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0208] Offering Your Sacrifices
[0210] The BenedictionPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0210] The Benediction
[0211] The PostscriptPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0211] The Postscript
[0212] God’s Gift of Joy and SanctificationPastor Robert Van KootenEcclesiastes  Download: [0212] God’s Gift of Joy and Sanctification
[0213] God Fulfills His PromisePastor Robert Van KootenExodus2011 Download: [0213] God Fulfills His Promise
[0214] Labor PainsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2012 Download: [0214] Labor Pains
[0215] Pharoah’s FailurePastor Robert Van KootenExodus2012 Download: [0215] Pharoah’s Failure
[0216] The Birth of a SaviorPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2012 Download: [0216] The Birth of a Savior
[0217] Icon Worship is BiblicalElder Dana De VolJohn  Download: [0217] Icon Worship is Biblical
[0218] Who Made You Ruler and Judge-Pastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-4-1998 Download: [0218] Who Made You Ruler and Judge-
[0219] From Egyptian to SojournerPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-11-1998 Download: [0219] From Egyptian to Sojourner
[0220] A Divine AppearancePastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-18-1998 Download: [0220] A Divine Appearance
[0221] Who Am I-Pastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-25-1998 Download: [0221] Who Am I-
[0222] God Identifies HimselfPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-1-1998 Download: [0222] God Identifies Himself
[0224] Moses, A Man of ExcusesPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-15-1998 Download: [0224] Moses, A Man of Excuses
[0225] I Will Harden Pharaoh’s HeartPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-22-1998 Download: [0225] I Will Harden Pharaoh’s Heart
[0226] Moses’ Life ThreatenedPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-1-1998 Download: [0226] Moses’ Life Threatened
[0227] Pharoah Put Up a FightPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2003 Download: [0227] Pharoah Put Up a Fight
[0228] Back to Priority OneMr. Rudie DuysingsEphesians3-15-1998 Download: [0228] Back to Priority One
[0229] Mission ImpossiblePastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-22-1998 Download: [0229] Mission Impossible
[0230] The Genealogy of Moses and AaronPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-29-1998 Download: [0230] The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
[0231] The Staff Becomes a SnakePastor Robert Van KootenExodus2004 Download: [0231] The Staff Becomes a Snake
[0232] Resurrection LifePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Corinthians2004 Download: [0232] Resurrection Life
[0233] Water Turns to BloodPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2004 Download: [0233] Water Turns to Blood
[0234] Hope for the Children of GodPatrick MorisonRomans4-26-1998 Download: [0234] Hope for the Children of God
[0235a] Elders as ShepherdsRev. Peter Vosteen1 Peter  Download: [0235a] Elders as Shepherds
[0236] A Compassionate RedeemerMr. Marc RenkemaRuth5-10-1998 Download: [0236] A Compassionate Redeemer
[0237] Right Theology MattersRev. Richard MillerMatthew  Download: [0237] Right Theology Matters
[0238] God Makes a DivisionPastor Robert Van KootenExodus5-24-1998 Download: [0238] God Makes a Division
[0239] Fire and HailPastor Robert Van KootenExodus5-31-1998 Download: [0239] Fire and Hail
[0240] The Plague of the LocustsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus6-7-1998 Download: [0240] The Plague of the Locusts
[0241] Light in the DarknessPastor Robert Van KootenExodus6-14-1998 Download: [0241] Light in the Darkness
[0241a] Gossip–An ExhortationElder Rudie Duysings 6-14-1998 Download: [0241a] Gossip–An Exhortation
[0242] The Great TansitionPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2006 Download: [0242] The Great Tansition
[0243] Wedding Day at CanaRev. James DennisonJohn6-28-1998 Download: [0243] Wedding Day at Cana
[0245] The Passover SacrificePastor Robert Van KootenExodus2007 Download: [0245] The Passover Sacrifice
[0246] The Feast of Unleavened BreadPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2007 Download: [0246] The Feast of Unleavened Bread
[0247] God Centered LivingRichard MillerHebrews  Download: [0247] God Centered Living
[0248] Lost and FoundElder Rudie DuysingsLuke  Download: [0248] Lost and Found
[0249] Defeat and VictoryPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2008 Download: [0249] Defeat and Victory
[0250] The Sending of the KeruxRev. Randy BergquistRomans  Download: [0250] The Sending of the Kerux
[0251] God Keeps His PromisesPastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-16-1998 Download: [0251] God Keeps His Promises
[0252] The Consecration of the FirstbornPastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-23-1998 Download: [0252] The Consecration of the Firstborn
[0253] The Pillar of Cloud and FirePastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-30-1998 Download: [0253] The Pillar of Cloud and Fire
[0254] The Sojourn of Joseph’s BonesPastor Robert Van KootenExodus9-6-1998 Download: [0254] The Sojourn of Joseph’s Bones
[0255] Trusting in God’s FaithfulnessPastor Robert Van KootenExodus9-13-1998 Download: [0255] Trusting in God’s Faithfulness
[0256] Jesus in the Lawyers DenDavid InksJohn  Download: [0256] Jesus in the Lawyers Den
[0257] Serving the CreatureMr. John HiittRomans  Download: [0257] Serving the Creature
[0258] The Red Sea CrossingPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-4-1998 Download: [0258] The Red Sea Crossing
[0259] The Song of MosesPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-11-1998 Download: [0259] The Song of Moses
[0260] Miriam’s SongPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-18-1998 Download: [0260] Miriam’s Song
[0261] Bitterness Turned SweetPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-25-1998 Download: [0261] Bitterness Turned Sweet
[0262] Be Strong and CourageousMr. John BlairJoshua11-1-1998 Download: [0262] Be Strong and Courageous
[0263] Our Daily BreadPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-8-1998 Download: [0263] Our Daily Bread
[0264] God’s Two RequirementsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-15-1998 Download: [0264] God’s Two Requirements
[0265] The Rock of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-22-1998 Download: [0265] The Rock of Christ
[0266] Moses Held Up His HandsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-29-1998 Download: [0266] Moses Held Up His Hands
[0267] Who is Jethro-Pastor Robert Van KootenExodus12-6-1998 Download: [0267] Who is Jethro-
[0269] The Savior Who Brings PeacePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis12-20-1998 Download: [0269] The Savior Who Brings Peace
[0270] The Covenant ProposedPastor Robert Van KootenExodus12-27-1998 Download: [0270] The Covenant Proposed
[0271] Sinners in the Hands of an Angry GodPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-3-1999 Download: [0271] Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
[0272] Treaty of the Great KingPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-10-1999 Download: [0272] Treaty of the Great King
[0273] Living Before God’s FacePastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-17-1999 Download: [0273] Living Before God’s Face
[0274] Godly Worship in Spirit and in TruthPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-24-1999 Download: [0274] Godly Worship in Spirit and in Truth
[0277] Honoring God’s AuthorityPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-14-1999 Download: [0277] Honoring God’s Authority
[0278] You Shall Not MurderPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-21-1999 Download: [0278] You Shall Not Murder
[0279] You Shall Not Commit AdulteryPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-28-1999 Download: [0279] You Shall Not Commit Adultery
[0280] You Shall Not StealPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-7-1999 Download: [0280] You Shall Not Steal
[0281] You Shall Not Bear False WitnessPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-14-1999 Download: [0281] You Shall Not Bear False Witness
[0282] You Shall Not CovetPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-21-1999 Download: [0282] You Shall Not Covet
[0283] The Twofold Use of the LawPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-28-1999 Download: [0283] The Twofold Use of the Law
[0285] God’s Provision for Law BreakersPastor Robert Van KootenExodus4-11-1999 Download: [0285] God’s Provision for Law Breakers
[0286] Slavery from God’s PerspectivePastor Robert Van KootenExodus4-18-1999 Download: [0286] Slavery from God’s Perspective
[0287] Death, Be Not ProudElder Scott HunterHosea  Download: [0287] Death, Be Not Proud
[0289] God’s Gift of MothersPastor Robert Van KootenEcclesiastes  Download: [0289] God’s Gift of Mothers
[0290] Our Resurrection HopeRev. Andy ElamEzekiel  Download: [0290] Our Resurrection Hope
[0291] Who Has Believed Our ReportRev. David InksJohn  Download: [0291] Who Has Believed Our Report
[0292] Laws Concerning AnimalsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus5-30-1999 Download: [0292] Laws Concerning Animals
[0296] The Lord ReignsMr. David KleinPsalms  Download: [0296] The Lord Reigns
[0297] Laws of JusticePastor Robert Van KootenExodus7-4-1999 Download: [0297] Laws of Justice
[0298] The Sabbath RestPastor Robert Van KootenExodus7-11-1999 Download: [0298] The Sabbath Rest
[0299] The Jewish CalendarPastor Robert Van KootenExodus7-18-1999 Download: [0299] The Jewish Calendar
[0300] Introduction to RevelationMr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0300] Introduction to Revelation
[0301] John and the Exalted ChristMr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0301] John and the Exalted Christ
[0302] God’s Angel Prepares the WayPastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-8-1999 Download: [0302] God’s Angel Prepares the Way
[0303] The Covenant RatificationPastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-15-1999 Download: [0303] The Covenant Ratification
[0304] Why the Tabernacle-Pastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-22-1999 Download: [0304] Why the Tabernacle-
[0305] The Most Holy PlacePastor Robert Van KootenExodus8-29-1999 Download: [0305] The Most Holy Place
[0306] The Letter to EphesusMr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0306] The Letter to Ephesus
[0307] The Table for the ShowbreadPastor Robert Van KootenExodus9-12-1999 Download: [0307] The Table for the Showbread
[0308] The Golden LampstandPastor Robert Van KootenExodus9-19-1999 Download: [0308] The Golden Lampstand
[0309] The Tabernacle StructurePastor Robert Van KootenExodus9-26-1999 Download: [0309] The Tabernacle Structure
[0310] The CourtyardPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-3-1999 Download: [0310] The Courtyard
[0311] Faithful Unto Death- The Letter to SmyrnaMr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0311] Faithful Unto Death- The Letter to Smyrna
[0313] The Consecration of the PriestsPastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-24-1999 Download: [0313] The Consecration of the Priests
[0314] The Alter of IncensePastor Robert Van KootenExodus10-31-1999 Download: [0314] The Alter of Incense
[0315] Numbering the RedeemedPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-7-1999 Download: [0315] Numbering the Redeemed
[0316] The Bronze LaverPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-14-1999 Download: [0316] The Bronze Laver
[0317] The Anointing OilPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-21-1999 Download: [0317] The Anointing Oil
[0318] The Spirit-Endowed CraftsmanPastor Robert Van KootenExodus11-28-1999 Download: [0318] The Spirit-Endowed Craftsman
[0319] The Sabbath a Covenant SignPastor Robert Van KootenExodus12-5-1999 Download: [0319] The Sabbath a Covenant Sign
[0320] Christ’s Method for MaturityRev. David InksEphesians  Download: [0320] Christ’s Method for Maturity
[0321] The Sign of ImmanuelPastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah  Download: [0321] The Sign of Immanuel
[0322] The Letter to PergamumMr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0322] The Letter to Pergamum
[0323] Church Pressures in a New MilleniumPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-2-2000 Download: [0323] Church Pressures in a New Millenium
[0324] The Intercession of God’s MediatorPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-9-2000 Download: [0324] The Intercession of God’s Mediator
[0325] Judgment DayPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-16-2000 Download: [0325] Judgment Day
[0326] In the Cleft of the RockPastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-23-2000 Download: [0326] In the Cleft of the Rock
[0327] God Reveals His GracePastor Robert Van KootenExodus1-30-2000 Download: [0327] God Reveals His Grace
[0328] The Deacon as Christ’s ServantPastor Robert Van KootenActs  Download: [0328] The Deacon as Christ’s Servant
[0329] The Letter to Sardis- Wake Up!Mr. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0329] The Letter to Sardis- Wake Up!
[0330] The Covenant RenewalPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-20-2000 Download: [0330] The Covenant Renewal
[0331] Creation, Fall and RedemptionPastor Robert Van KootenExodus2-27-2000 Download: [0331] Creation, Fall and Redemption
[0332] The Erection of the TabernaclePastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-5-2000 Download: [0332] The Erection of the Tabernacle
[0333] The Message of ExodusPastor Robert Van KootenExodus3-12-2000 Download: [0333] The Message of Exodus
[0334] David’s Call for HelpPastor Robert Van KootenPsalms  Download: [0334] David’s Call for Help
[0336] Philippi- The Clash of Two CulturesPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippains; Acts  Download: [0336] Philippi- The Clash of Two Cultures
[0337] The Setting and Message of PhilippiansPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0337] The Setting and Message of Philippians
[0338] The Philippian GreetingPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0338] The Philippian Greeting
[0339] Rabboni!Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0339] Rabboni!
[0340] The Open Door- The Letter to PhiladelphiaRev. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0340] The Open Door- The Letter to Philadelphia
[0341] Christ, Paul, and the SaintsPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0341] Christ, Paul, and the Saints
[0342] The Song of MiriamPastor Robert Van KootenExodus  Download: [0342] The Song of Miriam
[0343] Paul’s Prayer of SanctificationPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0343] Paul’s Prayer of Sanctification
[0344] Paul’s Understanding of God’s SovereigntyPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0344] Paul’s Understanding of God’s Sovereignty
[0345] Paul’s Christ Centered MinistryPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0345] Paul’s Christ Centered Ministry
[0346] Paul’s Sanctification for SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0346] Paul’s Sanctification for Salvation
[0347] For to Live is Christ and to Die is GainPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0347] For to Live is Christ and to Die is Gain
[0348] The Logos TabernacleRev. David InksJohn  Download: [0348] The Logos Tabernacle
[0349] Jesus….A Revolutionary-Rev. David InksJohn  Download: [0349] Jesus….A Revolutionary-
[0350] The Unwilling KingDanny Olinger1 Kings  Download: [0350] The Unwilling King
[0351] Suffering for UnityPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0351] Suffering for Unity
[0352] Unity Worthy of the GospelPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0352] Unity Worthy of the Gospel
[0353] Have the Attitude of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0353] Have the Attitude of Christ
[0354] Work Out Your SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0354] Work Out Your Salvation
[0355] Salvation Being ConfirmedPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0355] Salvation Being Confirmed
[0356] Paul’s Warning from the PastPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0356] Paul’s Warning from the Past
[0357] Shining Like Stars in the UniversePastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0357] Shining Like Stars in the Universe
[0358] Are You Holding Out the Word of Life-Pastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0358] Are You Holding Out the Word of Life-
[0359] Paul as the Drink OfferingPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0359] Paul as the Drink Offering
[0360] The Shepherd-LordRev. James DennisonPsalm9-17-2000 Download: [0360] The Shepherd-Lord
[0361] Christianity in ThessalonicaRev. James DennisonActs9-17-2000 Download: [0361] Christianity in Thessalonica
[0362] Being the Light of the WorldPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0362] Being the Light of the World
[0365] Prepare the Way of the LordMr. Mark CollingridgeMark  Download: [0365] Prepare the Way of the Lord
[0366] A Cause to RejoicePastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0366] A Cause to Rejoice
[0367] No Confidence in the FleshPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0367] No Confidence in the Flesh
[0368] Paul’s No Confidence in the FleshPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0368] Paul’s No Confidence in the Flesh
[0369] Paul’s Understanding of Profit and LossPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0369] Paul’s Understanding of Profit and Loss
[0370] Justification by FaithPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0370] Justification by Faith
[0371] Wonder Bread or Living BreadRev. David InksIsaiah, John  Download: [0371] Wonder Bread or Living Bread
[0372] Sanctification for the PhilippiansPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0372] Sanctification for the Philippians
[0373] Paul’s Certainty of GlorificationPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0373] Paul’s Certainty of Glorification
[0374] Jeremiah’s Message to the ExilesPastor Robert Van KootenJeremiah  Download: [0374] Jeremiah’s Message to the Exiles
[0375] Two Kings, One ThronePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [0375] Two Kings, One Throne
[0376] Winning is LosingPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0376] Winning is Losing
[0377] Does the Christian Arrive-Pastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0377] Does the Christian Arrive-
[0378] Our Citizenship is in HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0378] Our Citizenship is in Heaven
[0379] Genesis in GloryElder Scott HunterJohn  Download: [0379] Genesis in Glory
[0381] Christ’s Ministry of Word and DeedPastor Robert Van KootenActs  Download: [0381] Christ’s Ministry of Word and Deed
[0382] The Letter to LaodiceaRev. David KleinRevelation  Download: [0382] The Letter to Laodicea
[0383] Baptism as Blessing and JudgmentPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Corinthians  Download: [0383] Baptism as Blessing and Judgment
[0384] The Transformation into GloryPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0384] The Transformation into Glory
[0385] Who’s Who in Philippi-Pastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0385] Who’s Who in Philippi-
[0386] Rejoice in the LordPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0386] Rejoice in the Lord
[0387] Do Not Be Anxious!Pastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0387] Do Not Be Anxious!
[0388] Peace That Transcends all UnderstandingPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0388] Peace That Transcends all Understanding
[0389] Heavens Code of ConductPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0389] Heavens Code of Conduct
[0390] Paul’s Thanks for the GiftPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0390] Paul’s Thanks for the Gift
[0391] The Significance of the ResurrectionPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Corinthians  Download: [0391] The Significance of the Resurrection
[0392] Paul’s Strength to be ContentPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0392] Paul’s Strength to be Content
[0393] Strangers no Longer and Yet Strangers a While LongerMr. Chris CaugheyRuth  Download: [0393] Strangers no Longer and Yet Strangers a While Longer
[0394] Paul’s FarewellPastor Robert Van KootenActs  Download: [0394] Paul’s Farewell
[0395] Mothers as God’s BlessingPastor Robert Van KootenProverbs  Download: [0395] Mothers as God’s Blessing
[0397] God Breaks the PatternPastor Robert Van KootenJudges2005 Download: [0397] God Breaks the Pattern
[0398] The Ways of God in Christ’s DeathElder Rudie DuysingsJohn  Download: [0398] The Ways of God in Christ’s Death
[0399] Faithfulness and TrustPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2006 Download: [0399] Faithfulness and Trust
[0400] A Christ-Like FatherPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0400] A Christ-Like Father
[0401] The Lord ReignsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2006 Download: [0401] The Lord Reigns
[0402] Hannah’s CrisisPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0402] Hannah’s Crisis
[0403] Eli- High Priest and JudgePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0403] Eli- High Priest and Judge
[0404] Hannah’s SacrificePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0404] Hannah’s Sacrifice
[0405] Hannah’s PrayerPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0405] Hannah’s Prayer
[0408] Eli’s Wicked SonsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2008 Download: [0408] Eli’s Wicked Sons
[0409] Judgment for Eli Salvation for IsraelPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2008 Download: [0409] Judgment for Eli Salvation for Israel
[0410] East of EdenRev. James DennisonGenesis8-26-2001 Download: [0410] East of Eden
[0411] Citizens of Two WorldsRev. David Inks1 Peter2008 Download: [0411] Citizens of Two Worlds
[0412] Blessed is the ManRev. James LeePsalm2009 Download: [0412] Blessed is the Man
[0413] Samuel’s CallPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2009 Download: [0413] Samuel’s Call
[0414] Joseph in Potiphar’s HouseRev. James DennisonGenesis9-16-2001 Download: [0414] Joseph in Potiphar’s House
[0415] More Than ConquerorsPastor Robert Van KootenRomans2009 Download: [0415] More Than Conquerors
[0416] The Message of PhilippiansPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians2009 Download: [0416] The Message of Philippians
[0417] NicodemusRev. James DennisonJohn10-7-2001 Download: [0417] Nicodemus
[0418] Darkness and LightRev. James DennisonJohn10-14-2001 Download: [0418] Darkness and Light
[0419] Raiders of the ArkPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2010 Download: [0419] Raiders of the Ark
[0420] The Glory has Departed IsraelPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2010 Download: [0420] The Glory has Departed Israel
[0421] The Mockery of DagonPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2011 Download: [0421] The Mockery of Dagon
[0422] The Ark’s Glorious ReturnPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2011 Download: [0422] The Ark’s Glorious Return
[0423] The Lord Strikes Out Against IsraelPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2011 Download: [0423] The Lord Strikes Out Against Israel
[0424] Repentance and FaithPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2011 Download: [0424] Repentance and Faith
[0425] From Shiloh to RamahPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0425] From Shiloh to Ramah
[0426] Israel Asks for a KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0426] Israel Asks for a King
[0427] The Baby Leaped in Her WombPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [0427] The Baby Leaped in Her Womb
[0428] His Name is JohnPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [0428] His Name is John
[0429] The Emancipation ProclamationElder Scott HunterPhilemon  Download: [0429] The Emancipation Proclamation
[0430] The Annointing of Saul–Pt- IPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2001 Download: [0430] The Annointing of Saul–Pt- I
[0431] The Annointing of Saul–Pt- IIPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2001 Download: [0431] The Annointing of Saul–Pt- II
[0432] Nahum and NinevehRev. James DennisonNahum1-20-2002 Download: [0432] Nahum and Nineveh
[0433] Samuel Annoints Saul–Pt- IIIPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0433] Samuel Annoints Saul–Pt- III
[0434] Saul Made KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0434] Saul Made King
[0435] Saul’s Victory at JabeshPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0435] Saul’s Victory at Jabesh
[0436] The Courtroom of the LordPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0436] The Courtroom of the Lord
[0437] King Saul and God’s SpiritPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0437] King Saul and God’s Spirit
[0438] Paul the PrisonerPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0438] Paul the Prisoner
[0439] Paul, Timothy and PhilemonPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0439] Paul, Timothy and Philemon
[0440] The SalutationPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0440] The Salutation
[0441] Paul Always at PrayerPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0441] Paul Always at Prayer
[0442] I Have Seen the LordPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0442] I Have Seen the Lord
[0443] Paul’s Prayer of ThanksPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0443] Paul’s Prayer of Thanks
[0444] The Law from the New MountRev. James DennisonMatthew4-14-2002 Download: [0444] The Law from the New Mount
[0445] Paul’s Prayer for PhilemonPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0445] Paul’s Prayer for Philemon
[0446] The Common Curse- A Call to Biblical RealismRev. David KleinGenesis, Romans  Download: [0446] The Common Curse- A Call to Biblical Realism
[0447] God’s Authority and Our RelationshipsPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0447] God’s Authority and Our Relationships
[0448] Paul Honors ApphiaPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0448] Paul Honors Apphia
[0449] Onesimus- Slave and BrotherPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0449] Onesimus- Slave and Brother
[0450] Paul’s Imputation for OnesimusPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0450] Paul’s Imputation for Onesimus
[0451] Confident of Your ObediencePastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0451] Confident of Your Obedience
[0452] Paul Envelopes His MessagePastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0452] Paul Envelopes His Message
[0453] Honor Your FatherPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians, Ephesians  Download: [0453] Honor Your Father
[0454] The Great CommissionElder Scott HunterMatthew  Download: [0454] The Great Commission
[0455] The Great ReversalRev. James DennisonGenesis6-30-2002 Download: [0455] The Great Reversal
[0456] Simon of CyreneRev. James DennisonMark7-7-2002 Download: [0456] Simon of Cyrene
[0457] Tiberius CaesarRev. James DennisonLuke7-14-2002 Download: [0457] Tiberius Caesar
[0458] Saul Fails as KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0458] Saul Fails as King
[0459] A Faithless King and A Faithful ServantPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2007 Download: [0459] A Faithless King and A Faithful Servant
[0460] Saul’s Foolish OathPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0460] Saul’s Foolish Oath
[0461] Ezekiel’s Wheels and the Chariot-Throne of GodRev. James DennisonEzekiel8-11-2002 Download: [0461] Ezekiel’s Wheels and the Chariot-Throne of God
[0462] Charem WarefarePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0462] Charem Warefare
[0463] Obedience Better Than SacrificePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0463] Obedience Better Than Sacrifice
[0464] Saul’s Repentance- Too Little, Too LatePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0464] Saul’s Repentance- Too Little, Too Late
[0465] King David- God’s Sovereign ChoicePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0465] King David- God’s Sovereign Choice
[0466] Out of the HeartRev. James DennisonMark9-15-2002 Download: [0466] Out of the Heart
[0467] God’s Sovereign ElectionPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0467] God’s Sovereign Election
[0468] David in Saul’s ServicePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0468] David in Saul’s Service
[0469] David and GoliathPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0469] David and Goliath
[0470] David and Goliath IIPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0470] David and Goliath II
[0471] Saul’s Suspicion & Jonathon’s LovePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0471] Saul’s Suspicion & Jonathon’s Love
[0472] A Dead Prophet and A Living WordPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Kings  Download: [0472] A Dead Prophet and A Living Word
[0473] David’s Rise and Saul’s FallPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0473] David’s Rise and Saul’s Fall
[0474] The Good Shepherd and His SheepRev. James DennisonJohn11-10-2002 Download: [0474] The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
[0475] David’s Confidence When ThreatenedPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0475] David’s Confidence When Threatened
[0476] Michal’s Fatal AttractionPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0476] Michal’s Fatal Attraction
[0477] Saul Reaches His Spiritual EndPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0477] Saul Reaches His Spiritual End
[0478] The Beginning of the GospelPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [0478] The Beginning of the Gospel
[0479] Immanuel- Born of SinnersPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0479] Immanuel- Born of Sinners
[0480] Immanuel- Son of JosephPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0480] Immanuel- Son of Joseph
[0481] David and Jonathon–Pt- IPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0481] David and Jonathon–Pt- I
[0482] David and Jonathon–Pt- IIPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0482] David and Jonathon–Pt- II
[0483] Mary on Jesus’ FeetRev. James DennisonJohn1-12-2003 Download: [0483] Mary on Jesus’ Feet
[0484] David at NobPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0484] David at Nob
[0485] David Before AchishPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0485] David Before Achish
[0486] Ahimelech Finds RefugePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0486] Ahimelech Finds Refuge
[0487] David’s Hope in DespairPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0487] David’s Hope in Despair
[0488] David, Abiathar, and the EphodPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0488] David, Abiathar, and the Ephod
[0489] David in God’s HandsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0489] David in God’s Hands
[0490] Deacons- An Extension of Christ’s MinistryPastor Robert Van KootenActs  Download: [0490] Deacons- An Extension of Christ’s Ministry
[0491] Saul- The Man in the MirrorPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0491] Saul- The Man in the Mirror
[0492] David’s Cry & God’s DeliverancePastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0492] David’s Cry & God’s Deliverance
[0493] The Lord Restrains DavidPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0493] The Lord Restrains David
[0494] David Spares Saul’s Life IIPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0494] David Spares Saul’s Life II
[0495] David the Double AgentPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0495] David the Double Agent
[0496] Eternal Death or AnnihilationRev. James DennisonMatthew4-13-2003 Download: [0496] Eternal Death or Annihilation
[0497] The Four Cups of the PassoverPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [0497] The Four Cups of the Passover
[0498] The Resurrection- The Heart of our FaithPastor Robert Van KootenActs  Download: [0498] The Resurrection- The Heart of our Faith
[0499] Jesus Christ, the Sinning Christian’s AdvocateRev. David Klein1 John  Download: [0499] Jesus Christ, the Sinning Christian’s Advocate
[0500] Saul and the Witch of EndorPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0500] Saul and the Witch of Endor
[0501] David’s Election and Saul’s FatePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0501] David’s Election and Saul’s Fate
[0502] David’s Kingship RevealedPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0502] David’s Kingship Revealed
[0504] Exodus- From What-Dr. Bill DennisonExodus  Download: [0504] Exodus- From What-
[0505] Saul’s SuicidePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel  Download: [0505] Saul’s Suicide
[0506] The Danger of Keeping the Status QuoPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Kings  Download: [0506] The Danger of Keeping the Status Quo
[0508] Your Salvation NotarizedPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0508] Your Salvation Notarized
[0509] True Humility–A Disinguishing Mark of a ChristianMr. Scott HunterJohn  Download: [0509] True Humility–A Disinguishing Mark of a Christian
[0510] The Battle with the SeaRev. Randy BergquistLuke  Download: [0510] The Battle with the Sea
[0511] Gateway to CanaanRev. David KleinJoshua, 1 Kings  Download: [0511] Gateway to Canaan
[0512] Jude- The Man & His MessagePastor Robert Van KootenJude  Download: [0512] Jude- The Man & His Message
[0513] God’s Election & ApostasyPastor Robert Van KootenJude2008 Download: [0513] God’s Election & Apostasy
[0516] Jude’s First ProofPastor Robert Van KootenJude2008 Download: [0516] Jude’s First Proof
[0517] Jude’s Warning About False TeachersPastor Robert Van KootenJude2008 Download: [0517] Jude’s Warning About False Teachers
[0518] Jude’s Second ProofPastor Robert Van KootenJude2009 Download: [0518] Jude’s Second Proof
[0519] Jude’s Third ProofPastor Robert Van KootenJude2009 Download: [0519] Jude’s Third Proof
[0520] Contending for the FaithPastor Robert Van KootenJude2009 Download: [0520] Contending for the Faith
[0521] Jude’s DoxologyPastor Robert Van KootenJude2009 Download: [0521] Jude’s Doxology
[0522] Boldness in ChristMr. Adam KingActs2010 Download: [0522] Boldness in Christ
[0523] Dies Irae Dies GratiaeRev. James DennisonZephaniah10-12-2003 Download: [0523] Dies Irae Dies Gratiae
[0524] The Trinity and Your SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenJude2010 Download: [0524] The Trinity and Your Salvation
[0525] David’s Submission Overcomes the LiePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2010 Download: [0525] David’s Submission Overcomes the Lie
[0526] David’s LamentPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2011 Download: [0526] David’s Lament
[0527] Unusual Paul UsualRev. James Dennison1 Thessalonians11-9-2003 Download: [0527] Unusual Paul Usual
[0528] David Rises Above the Divided KingdomPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2011 Download: [0528] David Rises Above the Divided Kingdom
[0529] Abner Kills AsahelPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2011 Download: [0529] Abner Kills Asahel
[0530] Abner Changes SidesPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2011 Download: [0530] Abner Changes Sides
[0531] Murder at the Gate!Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2012 Download: [0531] Murder at the Gate!
[0532] Murder in Benjamin!Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2012 Download: [0532] Murder in Benjamin!
[0533] Rachel’s TearsPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew2012 Download: [0533] Rachel’s Tears
[0534] Are You Living Like Achan-Pastor Robert Van KootenJoshua2012 Download: [0534] Are You Living Like Achan-
[0535] David’s Qualifications as KingPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel  Download: [0535] David’s Qualifications as King
[0536] Growing in UnityRev. Pete VosteenEphesians2001 Download: [0536] Growing in Unity
[0537] The Battle for JerusalemPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel  Download: [0537] The Battle for Jerusalem
[0538] The Philistines Double DefeatPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2001 Download: [0538] The Philistines Double Defeat
[0539] The Triumphal ProcessionPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel  Download: [0539] The Triumphal Procession
[0540] God’s Covenant with DavidPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel  Download: [0540] God’s Covenant with David
[0541] David’s PrayerPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2-15-2004 Download: [0541] David’s Prayer
[0542] David’s Glorious KingdomPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2-22-2004 Download: [0542] David’s Glorious Kingdom
[0543] A King and a CripplePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2-29-2004 Download: [0543] A King and a Cripple
[0544] A Battle on Two FrontsPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel3-7-2004 Download: [0544] A Battle on Two Fronts
[0545] God’s Unstoppable ChurchMr. Adam KingActs3-14-2004 Download: [0545] God’s Unstoppable Church
[0546] David’s FallPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel3-21-2004 Download: [0546] David’s Fall
[0548] David’s Godly RepentancePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2004 Download: [0548] David’s Godly Repentance
[0550] On the Road to EmmausPastor Robert Van KootenLuke2004 Download: [0550] On the Road to Emmaus
[0551] David’s PrayerPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2004 Download: [0551] David’s Prayer
[0552] Persisting in PrayerRev. David KleinLuke2004 Download: [0552] Persisting in Prayer
[0553] Understanding Consequences to SinPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel2005 Download: [0553] Understanding Consequences to Sin
[0554] Deborah’s Role & Barak’s FaithPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews; Judges5-9-2004 Download: [0554] Deborah’s Role & Barak’s Faith
[0555] Joab Takes ControlPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel5-16-2004 Download: [0555] Joab Takes Control
[0556] Amnon and TamarPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel5-23-2004 Download: [0556] Amnon and Tamar
[0557] Absalom Kills AmnonPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel5-30-2004 Download: [0557] Absalom Kills Amnon
[0558] Three Murderers and a WomanPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel6-6-2004 Download: [0558] Three Murderers and a Woman
[0559] Ruth- The Story BeginsRev. James DennisonRuth6-13-2004 Download: [0559] Ruth- The Story Begins
[0560] Lessons from a Father That FailedPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel6-20-2004 Download: [0560] Lessons from a Father That Failed
[0561] Absalom’s Political CampaignPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel6-27-2004 Download: [0561] Absalom’s Political Campaign
[0562] David’s Road of HumiliationPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel7-4-2004 Download: [0562] David’s Road of Humiliation
[0563] David’s Intelligence NetworkPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel7-11-2004 Download: [0563] David’s Intelligence Network
[0564] David’s Humiliation & Saul’s HousePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel7-18-2004 Download: [0564] David’s Humiliation & Saul’s House
[0565] David’s Deliverance & God’s BlessingPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm7-25-2004 Download: [0565] David’s Deliverance & God’s Blessing
[0566] Ruth Among the GleanersRev. James DennisonRuth8-1-2004 Download: [0566] Ruth Among the Gleaners
[0567] Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing FloorRev. James DennisonRuth8-8-2004 Download: [0567] Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor
[0568] Hushai and Ahithophel–Pt- 1Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel8-15-2004 Download: [0568] Hushai and Ahithophel–Pt- 1
[0569] Hushai and Ahithophel–Pt- 2Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel8-22-2004 Download: [0569] Hushai and Ahithophel–Pt- 2
[0570] A Woman & Two SpiesPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel8-29-2004 Download: [0570] A Woman & Two Spies
[0571] David Experiences God’s Covenant FaithfulnessPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel9-5-2004 Download: [0571] David Experiences God’s Covenant Faithfulness
[0572] Hanging Between Heaven and EarthPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel9-12-2004 Download: [0572] Hanging Between Heaven and Earth
[0573] Boaz at the GateRev. James DennisonRuth9-19-2004 Download: [0573] Boaz at the Gate
[0574] Between Two GatesPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel9-26-2004 Download: [0574] Between Two Gates
[0575] The King at the GatePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel10-3-2004 Download: [0575] The King at the Gate
[0576] A Compromising KingPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel10-10-2004 Download: [0576] A Compromising King
[0577] David’s Mercy & Shimei’s RepentancePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel10-17-2004 Download: [0577] David’s Mercy & Shimei’s Repentance
[0578] The King & A Cripple–Part 2Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel10-24-2004 Download: [0578] The King & A Cripple–Part 2
[0579] Barzillai’s Understanding Of Grace and WorksPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel10-31-2004 Download: [0579] Barzillai’s Understanding Of Grace and Works
[0580] Joab Shows His True ColorsPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel11-7-2004 Download: [0580] Joab Shows His True Colors
[0581] What’s in the Names-Pastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel11-14-2004 Download: [0581] What’s in the Names-
[0582] Expiation for Saul’s HousePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel11-21-2004 Download: [0582] Expiation for Saul’s House
[0583] The Lamp Will Not Be ExtinquishedPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel11-28-2004 Download: [0583] The Lamp Will Not Be Extinquished
[0584] David’s Cry & God’s AnswerPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel12-5-2004 Download: [0584] David’s Cry & God’s Answer
[0585] God’s Reasons for David’s DeliverancePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel12-12-2004 Download: [0585] God’s Reasons for David’s Deliverance
[0586] The How of David’s DeliverancePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel12-19-2004 Download: [0586] The How of David’s Deliverance
[0587] Like the Brightness After RainPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel12-26-2004 Download: [0587] Like the Brightness After Rain
[0588] Psalm 149- Structure and MeaningRev. James DennisonPsalm1-2-2005 Download: [0588] Psalm 149- Structure and Meaning
[0589] David and His Mighty MenPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel1-9-2005 Download: [0589] David and His Mighty Men
[0590] The Golden ChainRev. Bill RenkemaEphesians1-16-2005 Download: [0590] The Golden Chain
[0591] The Alter of ForgivenessPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel1-23-2005 Download: [0591] The Alter of Forgiveness
[0592] God Chooses Solomon as KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings1-30-2005 Download: [0592] God Chooses Solomon as King
[0593] Three Offices and A KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings2-6-2005 Download: [0593] Three Offices and A King
[0594] David’s Unfinished BusinessPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings2-13-2005 Download: [0594] David’s Unfinished Business
[0595] Solomon’s JusticePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings2-20-2005 Download: [0595] Solomon’s Justice
[0596] Joab’s Judgment DayPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings2-27-2005 Download: [0596] Joab’s Judgment Day
[0597] Autobiography of a Changed ManRev. David InksRomans, Psalm3-6-2005 Download: [0597] Autobiography of a Changed Man
[0598] Shimei’s Word Proven FalsePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Kings3-13-2005 Download: [0598] Shimei’s Word Proven False
[0599] The Triumphal EntryPastor Robert Van KootenMark3-20-2005 Download: [0599] The Triumphal Entry
[0599b] The Third, Sixth and Ninth HourPastor Robert Van KootenMark3-25-2005 Download: [0599b] The Third, Sixth and Ninth Hour
[0600] The Frightened Women & the Empty TombPastor Robert Van KootenMark3-27-2005 Download: [0600] The Frightened Women & the Empty Tomb
[0601] The Pentacostal ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenActs4-3-2005 Download: [0601] The Pentacostal Church
[0602] The Coming Day of the LordMr. Benji Swinburnson1 Thessalonians4-10-2005 Download: [0602] The Coming Day of the Lord
[0603] Christianity at ThessalonicaPastor Robert Van KootenActs4-17-2005 Download: [0603] Christianity at Thessalonica
[0604] Paul’s Greeting to the Church in ThessalonicaPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians4-24-2005 Download: [0604] Paul’s Greeting to the Church in Thessalonica
[0605] Paul at Prayer ContinuallyPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians5-1-2005 Download: [0605] Paul at Prayer Continually
[0606] The Samuel ConclusionPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel5-8-2005 Download: [0606] The Samuel Conclusion
[0607] The Coming of the Holy SpiritRev. Bill RenkemaActs5-15-2005 Download: [0607] The Coming of the Holy Spirit
[0608] Faith, Hope and Love in the Presence of GodPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians5-22-2005 Download: [0608] Faith, Hope and Love in the Presence of God
[0609] Chosen by GodPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians5-29-2005 Download: [0609] Chosen by God
[0610] The Power of the Holy SpiritPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians6-5-2005 Download: [0610] The Power of the Holy Spirit
[0611] Paul’s Understanding of ImitationPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians6-12-2005 Download: [0611] Paul’s Understanding of Imitation
[0612] The ReconciliationMr. Benji SwinburnsonColossians6-19-2005 Download: [0612] The Reconciliation
[0613] The Idols of ThessalonicaPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians6-26-2005 Download: [0613] The Idols of Thessalonica
[0614] The Circumcision of ChristMr. Benji SwinburnsonColossians7-3-2005 Download: [0614] The Circumcision of Christ
[0615] Saved From the Wrath to ComePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians7-10-2005 Download: [0615] Saved From the Wrath to Come
[0616] The Afflictions of Christ in the Suffering of PaulMr. Benji SwimburnsonColossians7-17-2005 Download: [0616] The Afflictions of Christ in the Suffering of Paul
[0617] Paul’s Mysterious MinistryMr. Benji SwinburnsonColossians7-24-2005 Download: [0617] Paul’s Mysterious Ministry
[0618] Paul’s Imitation ApologeticsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians7-31-2005 Download: [0618] Paul’s Imitation Apologetics
[0619] Like Infants & Nursing MothersPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians8-7-2005 Download: [0619] Like Infants & Nursing Mothers
[0620] Paul’s Family MetaphorsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians8-14-2005 Download: [0620] Paul’s Family Metaphors
[0621] Jewish Rejection & Gentile FulfillmentPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians8-21-2005 Download: [0621] Jewish Rejection & Gentile Fulfillment
[0622] Boasting Before JesusPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians8-28-2005 Download: [0622] Boasting Before Jesus
[0623] Timothy’s Going & Coming BackPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians9-4-2005 Download: [0623] Timothy’s Going & Coming Back
[0624] Paul’s Transitional PrayerPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians9-11-2005 Download: [0624] Paul’s Transitional Prayer
[0625] Scansion on Psalm 117Rev. James DennisonPsalm9-18-2005 Download: [0625] Scansion on Psalm 117
[0626] The Most Excellent WayPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Corinthians9-25-2005 Download: [0626] The Most Excellent Way
[0627] A Call to Sexual HolinessPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians10-2-2005 Download: [0627] A Call to Sexual Holiness
[0628] Brotherly Love & Faithful WorkPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians10-9-2005 Download: [0628] Brotherly Love & Faithful Work
[0629] The Coming of the LordPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians10-16-2005 Download: [0629] The Coming of the Lord
[0630] The RapturePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians10-23-2005 Download: [0630] The Rapture
[0631] Children of Darkness & Children of LightPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians10-30-2005 Download: [0631] Children of Darkness & Children of Light
[0633] Who is in Control-Chaplain Todd OrrenGenesis11-13-2005 Download: [0633] Who is in Control-
[0634] Encouragement in ElectionPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians11-20-2005 Download: [0634] Encouragement in Election
[0635] Aaron’s BenedictionRev. James DennisonNumbers11-27-2005 Download: [0635] Aaron’s Benediction
[0636] Christ’s Presence and Our ConductPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians12-4-2005 Download: [0636] Christ’s Presence and Our Conduct
[0637] Heavenly Joy, Prayer and ThanksgivingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians12-11-2005 Download: [0637] Heavenly Joy, Prayer and Thanksgiving
[0638] The Holy Spirit- Ordinary & ExtraordinaryPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians12-18-2005 Download: [0638] The Holy Spirit- Ordinary & Extraordinary
[0639] Immanuel- God With UsPastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah, Matthew12-25-2005 Download: [0639] Immanuel- God With Us
[0640] New Years- Looking Back & Looking ForwardPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians1-1-2006 Download: [0640] New Years- Looking Back & Looking Forward
[0641] The Church- Between Two WorldsPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians1-8-2006 Download: [0641] The Church- Between Two Worlds
[0642] Introduction to II ThessaloniansPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians1-15-2006 Download: [0642] Introduction to II Thessalonians
[0643] Paul’s Prayer of ThanksgivingPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians1-22-2006 Download: [0643] Paul’s Prayer of Thanksgiving
[0644] A Contrast in DestiniesPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians1-29-2006 Download: [0644] A Contrast in Destinies
[0645] Paul’s Prayer for the PresentPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians2-5-2006 Download: [0645] Paul’s Prayer for the Present
[0646] The AntichristPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians2-12-2006 Download: [0646] The Antichrist
[0647] The Man of Lawlessness & the ThessaloniansPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians2-19-2006 Download: [0647] The Man of Lawlessness & the Thessalonians
[0648] Hold on to the WordPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians2-26-2006 Download: [0648] Hold on to the Word
[0649] Paul’s Prayer for ObediencePastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians3-5-2006 Download: [0649] Paul’s Prayer for Obedience
[0650] Paul’s Warning Against IdlenessPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians3-12-2006 Download: [0650] Paul’s Warning Against Idleness
[0651] Admonishing Your BrotherPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians3-19-2006 Download: [0651] Admonishing Your Brother
[0652] Christ in His WordPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Thessalonians3-26-2006 Download: [0652] Christ in His Word
[0653] Two Blind Men on the RoadPastor Robert Van KootenMark4-2-2006 Download: [0653] Two Blind Men on the Road
[0654] A King Comes on a ColtPastor Robert Van KootenMark4-9-2006 Download: [0654] A King Comes on a Colt
[0655] Today You will be with Me in ParadisePastor Robert Van KootenLuke4-14-2006 Download: [0655] Today You will be with Me in Paradise
[0656] True Report & False ReportPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew4-16-2006 Download: [0656] True Report & False Report
[0657] Background and Theology of John’s GospelPastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-23-2006 Download: [0657] Background and Theology of John’s Gospel
[0658] God’s Weak and Foolish ThingRev. David Klein1 Corinthians4-30-2006 Download: [0658] God’s Weak and Foolish Thing
[0659] Outline and Story of John’s ProloguePastor Robert Van KootenJohn5-7-2006 Download: [0659] Outline and Story of John’s Prologue
[0660] Why is it Important that Jesus is God-Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn5-14-2006 Download: [0660] Why is it Important that Jesus is God-
[0661] The Only Begotten GodPastor Robert Van KootenJohn5-21-2006 Download: [0661] The Only Begotten God
[0662] He Tabernacled With UsPastor Robert Van KootenJohn5-28-2006 Download: [0662] He Tabernacled With Us
[0663] Behold the Lamb!Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn6-4-2006 Download: [0663] Behold the Lamb!
[0664] The Syrophoenician’s UncleannessMr. Benji SwinburnsonMark6-11-2006 Download: [0664] The Syrophoenician’s Uncleanness
[0665] Jesus Predicts His DeathMr. Benji SwinburnsonMark6-18-2006 Download: [0665] Jesus Predicts His Death
[0666] What is a True Disciple-Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn6-25-2006 Download: [0666] What is a True Disciple-
[0667] The Wedding at CanaPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-2-2006 Download: [0667] The Wedding at Cana
[0668] The New TemplePastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-9-2006 Download: [0668] The New Temple
[0669] Nicodemus- The Senior CitizenPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-16-2006 Download: [0669] Nicodemus- The Senior Citizen
[0670] Birth from AbovePastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-23-2006 Download: [0670] Birth from Above
[0671] By Water and SpiritPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-30-2006 Download: [0671] By Water and Spirit
[0673] He Must Increase I Must DecreasePastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-13-2006 Download: [0673] He Must Increase I Must Decrease
[0674] The Already Not YetPastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-20-2006 Download: [0674] The Already Not Yet
[0675] The Kingdom of Heaven is at HandChaplain Earl VanderhoffMatthew8-27-2006 Download: [0675] The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand
[0676] Worship in Spirit and TruthPastor Robert Van KootenJohn9-3-2006 Download: [0676] Worship in Spirit and Truth
[0677] The Faith of the Royal OfficialPastor Robert Van KootenJohn9-10-2006 Download: [0677] The Faith of the Royal Official
[0678] Christ’s Justification, Paul’s and YoursRev. James DennisonGalatians9-17-2006 Download: [0678] Christ’s Justification, Paul’s and Yours
[0679] Are You Ready-Chaplain Todd OrrenRevelation9-24-2006 Download: [0679] Are You Ready-
[0680] Jesus, Lord of the SabbathPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-1-2006 Download: [0680] Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
[0681] Have you Passed from Death to LifePastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-8-2006 Download: [0681] Have you Passed from Death to Life
[0682] The Five TestimoniesPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-15-2006 Download: [0682] The Five Testimonies
[0683] Bread of HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-22-2006 Download: [0683] Bread of Heaven
[0684] The Sacrament and the Feeding of the Five ThousandPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-29-2006 Download: [0684] The Sacrament and the Feeding of the Five Thousand
[0685] The Blessed Lord Who BlessesRev. James DennisonPsalm11-5-2006 Download: [0685] The Blessed Lord Who Blesses
[0686] The Lamp will Not Be ExtinguishedPastor Robert Van Kooten2 Samuel11-12-2006 Download: [0686] The Lamp will Not Be Extinguished
[0687] Two Kingdoms One KingPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-19-2006 Download: [0687] Two Kingdoms One King
[0688] A Sign and a SealPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-26-2006 Download: [0688] A Sign and a Seal
[0689] The Father’s WillPastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-3-2006 Download: [0689] The Father’s Will
[0690] Eat my Flesh and Drink my Blood-Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-10-2006 Download: [0690] Eat my Flesh and Drink my Blood-
[0691] To Whom Shall We Go-Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-17-2006 Download: [0691] To Whom Shall We Go-
[0692] Isaiah’s Newborn ChildPastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah12-24-2006 Download: [0692] Isaiah’s Newborn Child
[0693] Jesus Goes to the Feast of TabernaclesPastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-31-2006 Download: [0693] Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles
[0694] Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles–Part IIPastor Robert Van KootenJohn1-7-2007 Download: [0694] Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles–Part II
[0695] The Feast of Tabernacles UninterruptedPastor Robert Van KootenJohn1-14-2007 Download: [0695] The Feast of Tabernacles Uninterrupted
[0696] The Prosecution on TrialPastor Robert Van KootenJohn1-21-2007 Download: [0696] The Prosecution on Trial
[0697] Who is Your Father-Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn1-28-2007 Download: [0697] Who is Your Father-
[0698] The Guilty VerdictPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2-4-2007 Download: [0698] The Guilty Verdict
[0699] Was Blind, But Now I See!Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn2-11-2007 Download: [0699] Was Blind, But Now I See!
[0700] I Am The Good ShepherdPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2-18-2007 Download: [0700] I Am The Good Shepherd
[0701] A Double Eternal SecurityPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2-25-2007 Download: [0701] A Double Eternal Security
[0702] The Book of Signs- Wrap Up!Pastor Robert Van KootenJohn3-4-2007 Download: [0702] The Book of Signs- Wrap Up!
[0703] Jesus WeptPastor Robert Van KootenJohn3-11-2007 Download: [0703] Jesus Wept
[0704] Caiaphas Ironic ProphecyPastor Robert Van KootenJohn3-18-2007 Download: [0704] Caiaphas Ironic Prophecy
[0705] Mary Surrenders AllPastor Robert Van KootenJohn3-25-2007 Download: [0705] Mary Surrenders All
[0706] The Triumphal EntryPastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-1-2007 Download: [0706] The Triumphal Entry
[0707] The Hour has ComePastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-6-2007 Download: [0707] The Hour has Come
[0708] The Resurrections of Jesus and LazarusPastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-8-2007 Download: [0708] The Resurrections of Jesus and Lazarus
[0709] Jesus the First DisciplePastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-15-2007 Download: [0709] Jesus the First Disciple
[0710] Seeing and BelievingPastor Robert Van KootenJohn4-22-2007 Download: [0710] Seeing and Believing
[0711] Risky Business- The Parable of the Compassionate SamaritanRev. David KleinLuke4-29-2007 Download: [0711] Risky Business- The Parable of the Compassionate Samaritan
[0712] The First Marker- The Wrath to ComePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians6-6-2007 Download: [0712] The First Marker- The Wrath to Come
[0713] Shepherding in Union with ChristMr. Benji Swinburnson1 Peter6-13-2007 Download: [0713] Shepherding in Union with Christ
[0714] The Second Marker- Paul’s Imitation ApologeticPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians5-20-2007 Download: [0714] The Second Marker- Paul’s Imitation Apologetic
[0715] The Third Marker- Wrath and SalvationPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians5-27-2007 Download: [0715] The Third Marker- Wrath and Salvation
[0716] Spiritual UnityChaplain Earl VanderhoffJohn6-3-2007 Download: [0716] Spiritual Unity
[0717] The Fourth MarkerPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Thessalonians6-10-2007 Download: [0717] The Fourth Marker
[0718] Jesus Farewell ActPastor Robert Van KootenJohn6-17-2007 Download: [0718] Jesus Farewell Act
[0719] Jesus and Three DisciplesPastor Robert Van KootenJohn6-24-2007 Download: [0719] Jesus and Three Disciples
[0720] The New CommandPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-1-2007 Download: [0720] The New Command
[0721] I am the WayPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-8-2007 Download: [0721] I am the Way
[0722] The Sending of the SpiritPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-15-2007 Download: [0722] The Sending of the Spirit
[0723] Hosea’s SuperscriptionRev. James DennisonHosea7-22-2007 Download: [0723] Hosea’s Superscription
[0724] Showing Christ to the WorldPastor Robert Van KootenJohn7-29-2007 Download: [0724] Showing Christ to the World
[0725] Christ’s Victory and YoursPastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-5-2007 Download: [0725] Christ’s Victory and Yours
[0726] I Am the Vine, You are the BranchesPastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-12-2007 Download: [0726] I Am the Vine, You are the Branches
[0727] Without Me You can do NothingPastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-19-2007 Download: [0727] Without Me You can do Nothing
[0728] The Fruit Bearing BranchPastor Robert Van KootenJohn8-26-2007 Download: [0728] The Fruit Bearing Branch
[0729] Living a Love-Hate RelationshipPastor Robert Van KootenJohn9-2-2007 Download: [0729] Living a Love-Hate Relationship
[0730] Why Was Jesus Forsaken-Mr. Brian BelhMatthew9-9-2007 Download: [0730] Why Was Jesus Forsaken-
[0731] Hosea and GomerRev. James DennisonHosea9-16-2007 Download: [0731] Hosea and Gomer
[0732] The Filioque ControversyPastor Robert Van KootenJohn9-23-2007 Download: [0732] The Filioque Controversy
[0733] The Holy Spirit BriefPastor Robert Van KootenJohn9-30-2007 Download: [0733] The Holy Spirit Brief
[0734] The Holy Spirit as IncorporatorPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-7-2007 Download: [0734] The Holy Spirit as Incorporator
[0735] Hosea and Gomer’s Firstborn- JezreelRev. James DennisonHosea10-14-2007 Download: [0735] Hosea and Gomer’s Firstborn- Jezreel
[0736] I Have Overcome the WorldPastor Robert Van KootenJohn10-21-2007 Download: [0736] I Have Overcome the World
[0737] Reformation 101Pastor Robert Van KootenRomans10-28-2007 Download: [0737] Reformation 101
[0738] Jesus Prayer of IntercessionPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-4-2007 Download: [0738] Jesus Prayer of Intercession
[0739] Jesus Prayer for His DisciplesPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-11-2007 Download: [0739] Jesus Prayer for His Disciples
[0740] Jesus Prayer for UnityPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-18-2007 Download: [0740] Jesus Prayer for Unity
[0741] Jesus ArrestPastor Robert Van KootenJohn11-25-2007 Download: [0741] Jesus Arrest
[0742] Peter’s DenialPastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-2-2007 Download: [0742] Peter’s Denial
[0743] Pilate’s CompromisePastor Robert Van KootenJohn12-9-2007 Download: [0743] Pilate’s Compromise
[0744] Baptism Now Saves Us-Pastor Robert Van Kooten1 Peter12-16-2007 Download: [0744] Baptism Now Saves Us-
[0745] The Golden ChildPastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah12-23-2007 Download: [0745] The Golden Child
[0746] Furious at Grace- The Parable of the Angry BrotherRev. David KleinLuke2012 Download: [0746] Furious at Grace- The Parable of the Angry Brother
[0747] The Scourging of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2001 Download: [0747] The Scourging of Christ
[0748] Pilate’s PragmatismPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2001 Download: [0748] Pilate’s Pragmatism
[0749] The Sentence GivenPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2001 Download: [0749] The Sentence Given
[0750] First Adam & Second AdamPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2001 Download: [0750] First Adam & Second Adam
[0751] The King on His ThronePastor Robert Van KootenJohn2002 Download: [0751] The King on His Throne
[0752] Remembering and Obeying Christ’s LeadersPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews2002 Download: [0752] Remembering and Obeying Christ’s Leaders
[0753] A Trick QuestionMr. Brian BelhMatthew2002 Download: [0753] A Trick Question
[0754] The Nakedness of Our LordPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2002 Download: [0754] The Nakedness of Our Lord
[0755] The Community of FaithPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2003 Download: [0755] The Community of Faith
[0756] It is FinishedPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2003 Download: [0756] It is Finished
[0757] Water and BloodPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0757] Water and Blood
[0758] Nicodemus- To Be or Not to BePastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0758] Nicodemus- To Be or Not to Be
[0759] The Unveiling of the Empty TombPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2003 Download: [0759] The Unveiling of the Empty Tomb
[0760] John’s Great CommissionPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0760] John’s Great Commission
[0761] Doubting ThomasPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0761] Doubting Thomas
[0762] John’s Thesis StatementPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0762] John’s Thesis Statement
[0763] John’s Great CommissionPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0763] John’s Great Commission
[0764] The Shepherd & The SheepPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0764] The Shepherd & The Sheep
[0765] The Greatest CommandmentRev. Pete VosteenMatthew  Download: [0765] The Greatest Commandment
[0766] Where is the Glory-Mr. Benji SwinburnsonHaggai  Download: [0766] Where is the Glory-
[0767] John’s Gospel TestimonyPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [0767] John’s Gospel Testimony
[0768] Who are these Spirits in Prison-Pastor Robert Van Kooten1 Peter  Download: [0768] Who are these Spirits in Prison-
[0769] Let Your Face Shine that We May Be SavedRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [0769] Let Your Face Shine that We May Be Saved
[0770] The Time Has ComePastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0770] The Time Has Come
[0771] Honoring a Father’s AuthorityPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [0771] Honoring a Father’s Authority
[0772] God Himself is with UsPastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0772] God Himself is with Us
[0773] The Lord’s Supper- Vocabulary, Actions, Communicants, FrequencyRev. James Dennison1 Corinthians  Download: [0773] The Lord’s Supper- Vocabulary, Actions, Communicants, Frequency
[0774] For I am with YouPastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0774] For I am with You
[0775] Christ AscendedRev. Doug ClausenActs  Download: [0775] Christ Ascended
[0776] From this Day On!Pastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0776] From this Day On!
[0777] The Tenth Anniversary PrayerPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0777] The Tenth Anniversary Prayer
[0778] God’s Signet RingPastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0778] God’s Signet Ring
[0779] Haggai & The Lord of HostsPastor Robert Van KootenHaggai  Download: [0779] Haggai & The Lord of Hosts
[0780] Fellowship and the KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0780] Fellowship and the Kingdom
[0781] Marriage in HonorPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0781] Marriage in Honor
[0782] Eating and Drinking With GodPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0782] Eating and Drinking With God
[0783] Content in GodPastor Robert Van KootenHebrews  Download: [0783] Content in God
[0784] Made Well By MercyRev. Mark SumpterJohn  Download: [0784] Made Well By Mercy
[0785] Jesus and the Man Born BlindRev. James DennisonJohn  Download: [0785] Jesus and the Man Born Blind
[0786] Hallowed Be Thy NameRev. David KleinMatthew  Download: [0786] Hallowed Be Thy Name
[0787] Introduction to RevelationPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0787] Introduction to Revelation
[0788] Introduction to Revelation IIPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0788] Introduction to Revelation II
[0789] Introduction to Revelation IIIPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0789] Introduction to Revelation III
[0790] The Preface to RevelationPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0790] The Preface to Revelation
[0791] Gods Revelation GreetingPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0791] Gods Revelation Greeting
[0792] Baptism and SufferinigPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Peter  Download: [0792] Baptism and Sufferinig
[0793] Solomon and his ShulamiteRev. James DennisonSong Of Solomon  Download: [0793] Solomon and his Shulamite
[0794] The Alpha & The Omega and YouPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0794] The Alpha & The Omega and You
[0795] In the Spirit on the Lords DayPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0795] In the Spirit on the Lords Day
[0796] Christ in Midst of the LampstandsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0796] Christ in Midst of the Lampstands
[0797] The Letter to the Church in EphesusPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0797] The Letter to the Church in Ephesus
[0798] The Stump of JessePastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah  Download: [0798] The Stump of Jesse
[0799] The Magi Come to Bethlehem to Worship the New Born King of the JewsRev. James VisscherMatthew  Download: [0799] The Magi Come to Bethlehem to Worship the New Born King of the Jews
[0800] Smyrna- Faithful Unto DeathPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0800] Smyrna- Faithful Unto Death
[0801] The Letter to PergamumPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0801] The Letter to Pergamum
[0802] Thyatira- The Synthesizing ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0802] Thyatira- The Synthesizing Church
[0803] Sardis- The Dying ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0803] Sardis- The Dying Church
[0804] Philadelphia- The Open DoorPastor Robert Van KootenRevelations  Download: [0804] Philadelphia- The Open Door
[0805] Laodicea- The Nauseating ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0805] Laodicea- The Nauseating Church
[0806] Heavens Open DoorPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0806] Heavens Open Door
[0807] The Rainbow and the ThronePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0807] The Rainbow and the Throne
[0808] The Twenty-four EldersPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0808] The Twenty-four Elders
[0809] The Throne, Fire and a Sea of GlassPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0809] The Throne, Fire and a Sea of Glass
[0810] The Lord is the Light and My SalvationRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [0810] The Lord is the Light and My Salvation
[0811] The Four Living CreaturesPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0811] The Four Living Creatures
[0812] The Scroll and the LambPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0812] The Scroll and the Lamb
[0813] My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me-Pastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0813] My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me-
[0814] How the Resurrection Benefits YouPastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0814] How the Resurrection Benefits You
[0815] Glorious Cross of ChristMr. Mark BubeGalatians  Download: [0815] Glorious Cross of Christ
[0816] Thy Will Be DoneRev. David KleinMatthew  Download: [0816] Thy Will Be Done
[0817] Incense, Prayer, and the SaintsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0817] Incense, Prayer, and the Saints
[0818] The Songs of GloryPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0818] The Songs of Glory
[0819] The Four HorsemenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0819] The Four Horsemen
[0820] Memorial Day in HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0820] Memorial Day in Heaven
[0821] Judgement DayPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0821] Judgement Day
[0822] The 144,000 Who StandPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0822] The 144,000 Who Stand
[0823] The Church- Militant and TriumphantPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0823] The Church- Militant and Triumphant
[0824] Fathers & Gods AuthorityPastor Robert Van KootenEphesians  Download: [0824] Fathers & Gods Authority
[0825] Gods Photos of the RedeemedPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0825] Gods Photos of the Redeemed
[0826] Do All In the Name of the Lord JesusRev. Pete VosteenColossians  Download: [0826] Do All In the Name of the Lord Jesus
[0827] Is God Silent-Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0827] Is God Silent-
[0828] Your Prayers and Gods WrathPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0828] Your Prayers and Gods Wrath
[0829] The Four Trumpet BlastsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0829] The Four Trumpet Blasts
[0830] The Fifth TrumpetPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0830] The Fifth Trumpet
[0831] The Sounding of the Sixth TrumpetPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0831] The Sounding of the Sixth Trumpet
[0832] Sweet and Sour GospelPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0832] Sweet and Sour Gospel
[0833] The Measuring of the TemplePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0833] The Measuring of the Temple
[0834] The Two WitnessesPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0834] The Two Witnesses
[0836] The Lords Supper- Grammar, Structure, EschatologyRev. James DennisonLuke  Download: [0836] The Lords Supper- Grammar, Structure, Eschatology
[0837] The Lords Supper- Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, ConclusionRev. James DennisonMark  Download: [0837] The Lords Supper- Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, Conclusion
[0838] The Strength of the KingRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [0838] The Strength of the King
[0839] The Churchs Witness & ConformityPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0839] The Churchs Witness & Conformity
[0840] The Halleluiah ChorusPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0840] The Halleluiah Chorus
[0841] Above all Earthly PowersPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0841] Above all Earthly Powers
[0842] The Woman and the DragonPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0842] The Woman and the Dragon
[0843] Reformation Day!Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0843] Reformation Day!
[0844] The War in HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0844] The War in Heaven
[0845] Satans Fury and the Place of RestPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0845] Satans Fury and the Place of Rest
[0846] The Beast from the SeaPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0846] The Beast from the Sea
[0847] The Beast from the EarthPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0847] The Beast from the Earth
[0848] Prayer and Gods SovereigntyRev. Andy Elam2 Samuel  Download: [0848] Prayer and Gods Sovereignty
[0849] Heavens PeacePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0849] Heavens Peace
[0850] King Ahaz, Joseph and the ChildPastor Robert Van KootenIsaiah  Download: [0850] King Ahaz, Joseph and the Child
[0851] Anna Waits for Jerusalems RedemptionRev. Benji SwinburnsonLuke  Download: [0851] Anna Waits for Jerusalems Redemption
[0852] The Progressive Angelic WarningPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0852] The Progressive Angelic Warning
[0853] The Grapes of WrathPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0853] The Grapes of Wrath
[0854] The Great and Marvelous Sign in HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0854] The Great and Marvelous Sign in Heaven
[0855] By the Sea of CrystalPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0855] By the Sea of Crystal
[0856] The Song of the RedeemedPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0856] The Song of the Redeemed
[0857] The Bowls and PrayerPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0857] The Bowls and Prayer
[0858] The Pouring Out of the First BowlPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0858] The Pouring Out of the First Bowl
[0859] The Pouring Out of the Second and Third BowlsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0859] The Pouring Out of the Second and Third Bowls
[0860] Gods Wrath and Your RepentancePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0860] Gods Wrath and Your Repentance
[0861] Armageddon and the River EuphratesPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0861] Armageddon and the River Euphrates
[0862] The Anti-Trinity DeceptionPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0862] The Anti-Trinity Deception
[0863] Are You Staying Awake-Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0863] Are You Staying Awake-
[0864] The Battle of ArmageddonPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0864] The Battle of Armageddon
[0865] Simon the Disciple form CyrenePastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [0865] Simon the Disciple form Cyrene
[0866] The Resurrection Applied to YouPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [0866] The Resurrection Applied to You
[0867] It Is Done!Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0867] It Is Done!
[0868] The Prostitutes SeductionPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0868] The Prostitutes Seduction
[0869] A Preview of the EndPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [0869] A Preview of the End
[0870] The Anti-Eschatology KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0870] The Anti-Eschatology Kingdom
[0871] Satans End GamePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0871] Satans End Game
[0872] The Prostitute DestroyedPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0872] The Prostitute Destroyed
[0873] Flee the Wrath to Come!Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0873] Flee the Wrath to Come!
[0874] Babylons Memorial Day!Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0874] Babylons Memorial Day!
[0875] Babylons BurialPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0875] Babylons Burial
[0876] Are You Singing the Hallelujah Chorus-Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0876] Are You Singing the Hallelujah Chorus-
[0877] The Rider on the White HorsePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0877] The Rider on the White Horse
[0878] Joy Comes with the MorningPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0878] Joy Comes with the Morning
[0879] You Choose!Rev. John MahaffyJoshua2010 Download: [0879] You Choose!
[0880] Will you Eat or be Eaten-Pastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0880] Will you Eat or be Eaten-
[0881] Satan BoundPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0881] Satan Bound
[0882] The Two ResurrectionsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0882] The Two Resurrections
[0883] The Image and the SpiritRev. Benji SwinburnsonGenesis2010 Download: [0883] The Image and the Spirit
[0884] David- Elect, Messianic Shepherd KingRev. James Dennison1 Samuel2010 Download: [0884] David- Elect, Messianic Shepherd King
[0885] The Final BattlePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0885] The Final Battle
[0886] The Final JudgmentPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0886] The Final Judgment
[0887] A Peek into HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0887] A Peek into Heaven
[0888] Gods Heavenly PromisePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0888] Gods Heavenly Promise
[0889] Joab and Abner- Narrative Symmetries Sandwiching DavidRev. James Dennison2 Samuel2010 Download: [0889] Joab and Abner- Narrative Symmetries Sandwiching David
[0890] Absalom, Joab, and Davids ObsessionRev. James Dennison2 Samuel2010 Download: [0890] Absalom, Joab, and Davids Obsession
[0891] A Contrast of Two CitiesPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0891] A Contrast of Two Cities
[0892] The Four-square CityPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0892] The Four-square City
[0893] The City of Gods GloryPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation2010 Download: [0893] The City of Gods Glory
[0894] Heavens RiverPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0894] Heavens River
[0895] The Tree of LifePastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0895] The Tree of Life
[0896] How are You Made Right With God-Pastor Robert Van KootenPhilippians  Download: [0896] How are You Made Right With God-
[0897] Dwelling with God in HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0897] Dwelling with God in Heaven
[0898] The Epilogue WarningPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0898] The Epilogue Warning
[0899] Worship GodPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0899] Worship God
[0900] Our Saviors InvitationPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0900] Our Saviors Invitation
[0901] The Final WarningPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0901] The Final Warning
[0902] The Last WordsPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [0902] The Last Words
[0903] O Little Town of BethlehemPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0903] O Little Town of Bethlehem
[0904] The Aftermath of Jesus BirthPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0904] The Aftermath of Jesus Birth
[0905] Give Thanks for One AnotherRev. Andy Elam2 Thessalonians  Download: [0905] Give Thanks for One Another
[0906] Introduction to the PsalmsPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (8/3/2011 8:00:43 PM)  Download: [0906] Introduction to the Psalms
[0907] God’s Anointed KingPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (8/3/2011 8:09:10 PM)  Download: [0907] God’s Anointed King
[0908] Today I have Begotten Thee    Download: [0908] Today I have Begotten Thee
[0909] Jesus Declared as Son and King    Download: [0909] Jesus Declared as Son and King
[0910] Davids Cry and Gods Deliverance    Download: [0910] Davids Cry and Gods Deliverance
[0911] Answer Me, O God!    Download: [0911] Answer Me, O God!
[0912] How to Live in a Culture of Lies    Download: [0912] How to Live in a Culture of Lies
[0913] Finding Gods Grace in the Midst of His Discipline    Download: [0913] Finding Gods Grace in the Midst of His Discipline
[0914] How to Pray in the Midst of Injustice    Download: [0914] How to Pray in the Midst of Injustice
[0915] What is Man-    Download: [0915] What is Man-
[0916] How to Pray in a Wicked World    Download: [0916] How to Pray in a Wicked World
[0917] Do the Wicked Really Prosper-    Download: [0917] Do the Wicked Really Prosper-
[0918] Gods Testing Eyes    Download: [0918] Gods Testing Eyes
[0919] Living in a World of Lies    Download: [0919] Living in a World of Lies
[0920] Out of the Mouth of Babes    Download: [0920] Out of the Mouth of Babes
[0921] Earth Day or Good Friday-    Download: [0921] Earth Day or Good Friday-
[0922] All Things Under His Feet    Download: [0922] All Things Under His Feet
[0923] Do Not Be Anxious    Download: [0923] Do Not Be Anxious
[0924] How Long, O Lord-    Download: [0924] How Long, O Lord-
[0925] The Fools HeartUnknown artistUnknown album (5/15/2011 12:40:07 PM)  Download: [0925] The Fools Heart
[0926] Living the Ethics of Heaven    Download: [0926] Living the Ethics of Heaven
[0927] Do you Have Davids Confidence-    Download: [0927] Do you Have Davids Confidence-
[0928] The Prayer of a Righteous Man    Download: [0928] The Prayer of a Righteous Man
[0929] Davids Cry & Gods SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (6/12/2011 3:24:30 PM)  Download: [0929] Davids Cry & Gods Salvation
[0930] Gods Delight and Davids RighteousnessPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (6/19/2011 1:33:49 PM)  Download: [0930] Gods Delight and Davids Righteousness
[0931] Gods Deliverance Through His KingPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (6/26/2011 1:16:38 PM)  Download: [0931] Gods Deliverance Through His King
[0932] God Speaks and Davids ResponsePastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (7/3/2011 12:24:26 PM)  Download: [0932] God Speaks and Davids Response
[0933] Davids Prayer for the KingPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (7/10/2011 3:34:03 PM)  Download: [0933] Davids Prayer for the King
[0934] Davids Victory SongPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (7/17/2011 12:27:22 PM)  Download: [0934] Davids Victory Song
[0935] Does God Forsake Us-Pastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (7/24/2011 12:32:50 PM)  Download: [0935] Does God Forsake Us-
[0936] Trees, Beasts, and MenRev. Benji SwinburnsonUnknown album (7/31/2011 1:02:06 PM)  Download: [0936] Trees, Beasts, and Men
[0937] The Loneliness of ChristDr. Bill DennisonUnknown album (8/7/2011 12:37:42 PM)  Download: [0937] The Loneliness of Christ
[0938] The Lord is My ShepherdPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (8/14/2011 1:48:19 PM)  Download: [0938] The Lord is My Shepherd
[0939] Who Shall Ascend-Pastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (8/21/2011 1:02:34 PM)  Download: [0939] Who Shall Ascend-
[0940] Gods Redemption from A-ZPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (8/28/2011 12:40:31 PM)  Download: [0940] Gods Redemption from A-Z
[0941] Standing on Level GroundPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (9/4/2011 12:55:33 PM)  Download: [0941] Standing on Level Ground
[0942] Lukes Two KingdomsMr. Steven LauerUnknown album (9/11/2011 3:19:52 PM)  Download: [0942] Lukes Two Kingdoms
[0943] To the HebrewsRev. James DennisonUnknown album (9/18/2011 12:45:37 PM)  Download: [0943] To the Hebrews
[0944] Elisha Feeds Gods PeopleRev. Andy ElamUnknown album (9/25/2011 1:24:48 PM)  Download: [0944] Elisha Feeds Gods People
[0945] Faith over FearPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (10/2/2011 12:37:42 PM)  Download: [0945] Faith over Fear
[0946] Faith over Fear–Part IIPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (10/9/2011 1:45:22 PM)  Download: [0946] Faith over Fear–Part II
[0947] A Prayer for Gods PeoplePastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (10/16/2011 12:38:09 PM)  Download: [0947] A Prayer for Gods People
[0948] The Voice of the LordPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (10/23/2011 12:59:02 PM)  Download: [0948] The Voice of the Lord
[0949] Pride Comes Before FallPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (10/30/2011 10:18:03 PM)  Download: [0949] Pride Comes Before Fall
[0950] My Times Are in Thy HandsPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (11/6/2011 12:47:58 PM)  Download: [0950] My Times Are in Thy Hands
[0951] The Significance of Psalm 32Pastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (11/13/2011 10:08:07 PM)  Download: [0951] The Significance of Psalm 32
[0952] Your Sin and Gods ForgivenessPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (11/20/2011 1:55:07 PM)  Download: [0952] Your Sin and Gods Forgiveness
[0953] How Shall We Then Live-Pastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (11/27/2011 1:04:37 PM)  Download: [0953] How Shall We Then Live-
[0954] Advent Hope in a World of TurmoilPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (12/4/2011 1:28:53 PM)  Download: [0954] Advent Hope in a World of Turmoil
[0955] Between a Rock and a Hard PlacePastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (12/11/2011 12:12:36 PM)  Download: [0955] Between a Rock and a Hard Place
[0956] Marys MagnificatPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (12/18/2011 12:35:22 PM)  Download: [0956] Marys Magnificat
[0957] Zechariahs BenedictusPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (12/25/2011 2:28:10 PM)  Download: [0957] Zechariahs Benedictus
[0958] A New IdentityRev. Andy ElamUnknown album (1/1/2012 12:35:35 PM)  Download: [0958] A New Identity
[0959] Not One of His Bones BrokenPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (1/8/2012 3:40:19 PM)  Download: [0959] Not One of His Bones Broken
[0960] Dealing with Hatred Without a CausePastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (1/15/2012 1:52:08 PM)  Download: [0960] Dealing with Hatred Without a Cause
[0961] Davids Prayer for You!Pastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (1/22/2012 12:54:14 PM)  Download: [0961] Davids Prayer for You!
[0962] Godly Wisdom in a Culture of EnvyPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (1/29/2012 1:56:44 PM)  Download: [0962] Godly Wisdom in a Culture of Envy
[0963] The Wicked Plots and the Lord LaughsPastor Robert Van KootenUnknown album (2/5/2012 12:54:50 PM)  Download: [0963] The Wicked Plots and the Lord Laughs
[0964] The Spirit of GenerosityPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0964] The Spirit of Generosity
[0965] Living by Faith Not by SightPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0965] Living by Faith Not by Sight
[0966] Raised Up with ChristRev. Andy ElamColossians  Download: [0966] Raised Up with Christ
[0967] How to Deal with the Consequences of SinPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0967] How to Deal with the Consequences of Sin
[0968] Going from Transience to PermanencePastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0968] Going from Transience to Permanence
[0969] Davids Song of DeliverancePastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0969] Davids Song of Deliverance
[0970] Davids Heart PossessedPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0970] Davids Heart Possessed
[0971] Christs Triumphal ProcessionRev. Andy ElamMatthew  Download: [0971] Christs Triumphal Procession
[0972] The Arrest of the I AmPastor Robert Van KootenJohn2012 Download: [0972] The Arrest of the I Am
[0973] The Two Marys and YouPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [0973] The Two Marys and You
[0974] Salvation in the Suffering SaviorPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [0974] Salvation in the Suffering Savior
[0975] Jesus, Lord of the SabbathPastor Robert Van KootenMark/Revelation2012 Download: [0975] Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
[0976] Our Great High PriestRev. Andy ElamHebrews2012 Download: [0976] Our Great High Priest
[0977] Galations- Background and GreetingPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [0977] Galations- Background and Greeting
[0978] Are You Living a Different Gospel-Pastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [0978] Are You Living a Different Gospel-
[0979] Pauls Testimony and YoursPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [0979] Pauls Testimony and Yours
[0980] Glorifying God in the ResurrectionPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0980] Glorifying God in the Resurrection
[0981] The Unity of the Jew and Gentile GospelPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0981] The Unity of the Jew and Gentile Gospel
[0982] Jesus Christ, The Promised SaviorJohn CarterLuke  Download: [0982] Jesus Christ, The Promised Savior
[0983] The Faith and Works ConfusionPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0983] The Faith and Works Confusion
[0984] Are you Crucified with ChristPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0984] Are you Crucified with Christ
[0985] Deadly Fire verses Living WatersRev. James DennisonJeremiah  Download: [0985] Deadly Fire verses Living Waters
[0986] Understanding Christ CrucifiedPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0986] Understanding Christ Crucified
[0987] The Sons of AbrahamPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0987] The Sons of Abraham
[0988] Blessing out of CursingPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0988] Blessing out of Cursing
[0989] Understanding the Law and the PromisePastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0989] Understanding the Law and the Promise
[0990] Why then the LawPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0990] Why then the Law
[0991] Oneness in ChristPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0991] Oneness in Christ
[0992] Adopted as SonsPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0992] Adopted as Sons
[0993] Are you a Son or a Slave-Pastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0993] Are you a Son or a Slave-
[0994] Dont Lose Your IdentityPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0994] Dont Lose Your Identity
[0995] Lamentations–The Poem and the PersonRev. James DennisonLamentations  Download: [0995] Lamentations–The Poem and the Person
[0996] A Hidden TreasureMr. Scott HunterMatthew  Download: [0996] A Hidden Treasure
[0997] Are You Living in FreedomPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians/Genesis  Download: [0997] Are You Living in Freedom
[0998] Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say SoRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [0998] Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So
[0999] Dont Mix What is UnmixablePastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [0999] Dont Mix What is Unmixable
[1000] The Grace & Works ErrorPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [1000] The Grace & Works Error
[1001] Living Out Your FreedomPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [1001] Living Out Your Freedom
[1002] The Flesh and the SpiritPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [1002] The Flesh and the Spirit
[1003] Living in the Age of the SpiritPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [1003] Living in the Age of the Spirit
[1004] I Know the Plans I Have for You!Pastor Robert Van KootenJeremiah  Download: [1004] I Know the Plans I Have for You!
[1005] Restoration in the Spirit of GentlenessPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians  Download: [1005] Restoration in the Spirit of Gentleness
[1006] GridlockRev. Pete VosteenJohn  Download: [1006] Gridlock
[1007] Sowing the SpiritPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [1007] Sowing the Spirit
[1008] Boasting in the CrossPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [1008] Boasting in the Cross
[1009] The Slaughter of the InnocentsPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew, Genesis2012 Download: [1009] The Slaughter of the Innocents
[1010] The Song of the AngelsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke2012 Download: [1010] The Song of the Angels
[1011] The Galatian BenedictionPastor Robert Van KootenGalatians2012 Download: [1011] The Galatian Benediction
[1012] Focus for a New YearPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1012] Focus for a New Year
[1013] The Parable of the SowerPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1013] The Parable of the Sower
[1014] When We Meet TrialsRev. Andy ElamJames  Download: [1014] When We Meet Trials
[1015] The Lamp on a StandPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1015] The Lamp on a Stand
[1016] The Good SamaritanPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1016] The Good Samaritan
[1017] The Elder as ShepherdPastor Robert Van KootenJohn, 1 Peter  Download: [1017] The Elder as Shepherd
[1018] The New Has Arrived!Pastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1018] The New Has Arrived!
[1019] Built on the RockPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1019] Built on the Rock
[1020] The Parable of the Two DebtorsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1020] The Parable of the Two Debtors
[1021] The Parable of the Friend at MidnightPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1021] The Parable of the Friend at Midnight
[1022] The Light in YouPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1022] The Light in You
[1023] The Parable of the Ten MinasPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1023] The Parable of the Ten Minas
[1024] Passover and the Lords SupperPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [1024] Passover and the Lords Supper
[1025] The Road to EmmausPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1025] The Road to Emmaus
[1026] The Rich FoolPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1026] The Rich Fool
[1027] The Barren Fig TreePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1027] The Barren Fig Tree
[1028] Do not be AnxiousPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1028] Do not be Anxious
[1029] Planning and ProvidenceRev. Andy ElamJames  Download: [1029] Planning and Providence
[1030] Ready and WaitingPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1030] Ready and Waiting
[1031] Mary and MarthaPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1031] Mary and Martha
[1032] The Mustard Seed and the LeavenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1032] The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
[1033] The Parable of the Wedding FeastPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1033] The Parable of the Wedding Feast
[1034] The Parable of the Great BanquetPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1034] The Parable of the Great Banquet
[1035] Self Sufficiency or ChristRev. John CarterLuke  Download: [1035] Self Sufficiency or Christ
[1036] The Cost of Being of Being a DisciplePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1036] The Cost of Being of Being a Disciple
[1037] The Parable of the Lost SheepPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1037] The Parable of the Lost Sheep
[1038] The Parable of the Lost CoinPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1038] The Parable of the Lost Coin
[1039] The Parable of the Lost SonPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1039] The Parable of the Lost Son
[1040] The Parable of the Lost Son IIPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1040] The Parable of the Lost Son II
[1041] The Parable of the Dishonest ManagerPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1041] The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
[1042] The Rich Man and LazarusPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1042] The Rich Man and Lazarus
[1043] True ContentmentRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [1043] True Contentment
[1044] The Parable of the Unworthy ServantPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1044] The Parable of the Unworthy Servant
[1045] The Parable of the Persistant WidowPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1045] The Parable of the Persistant Widow
[1046] The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax CollectorPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1046] The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
[1047] Zacchaeus and the Day of SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1047] Zacchaeus and the Day of Salvation
[1048] The Coming of the Holy SpiritRev. Pete VosteenJohn  Download: [1048] The Coming of the Holy Spirit
[1049] QuestionsRev. Pete VosteenJohn  Download: [1049] Questions
[1050] The Parable of the Wicked TenantPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1050] The Parable of the Wicked Tenant
[1051] An Eternal Weight of GloryRev. Andy Elam2 Corinthians  Download: [1051] An Eternal Weight of Glory
[1052] Give to Caesar What is Caesars and to God What is GodsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1052] Give to Caesar What is Caesars and to God What is Gods
[1053] The Parable of the Leafing Fig TreePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1053] The Parable of the Leafing Fig Tree
[1054] Can a Blind Man Lead a Blind ManPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1054] Can a Blind Man Lead a Blind Man
[1055] Justification By Christ AlonePastor Robert Van KootenRomans  Download: [1055] Justification By Christ Alone
[1056] The Strong and the Stronger ManPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1056] The Strong and the Stronger Man
[1057] The Sign and the Need to SettlePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1057] The Sign and the Need to Settle
[1058] The Narrow DoorPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1058] The Narrow Door
[1059] The Fox and the HenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1059] The Fox and the Hen
[1061]The Faith of a TeenagerPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1061]The Faith of a Teenager
[1062]The Meeting Of the TestamentsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1062]The Meeting Of the Testaments
[1063] Simeons Farewell SongPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1063] Simeons Farewell Song
[1064] Shout For JoyRev. Pete VosteenPsalm  Download: [1064] Shout For Joy
[1065] Do you Live like you were DyingPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1065] Do you Live like you were Dying
[1066] Trusting God in an Evil DayPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1066] Trusting God in an Evil Day
[1067] Genesis In the BeginningPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1067] Genesis In the Beginning
[1068] Creation and the TrinityPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1068] Creation and the Trinity
[1069] LetThere Be LightPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1069] LetThere Be Light
[1070] Forming and Fillling the Waters and the SkyPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1070] Forming and Fillling the Waters and the Sky
[1071] Creation and Evolution TodayPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1071] Creation and Evolution Today
[1072] The Uniqueness of ManPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1072] The Uniqueness of Man
[1073] Male and Female in the Image of GodPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1073] Male and Female in the Image of God
[1074] Gods Sabbath DayPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1074] Gods Sabbath Day
[1075] The Garden of FellowshipPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1075] The Garden of Fellowship
[1076] Before it RainedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1076] Before it Rained
[1077] Two Trees in EdenPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1077] Two Trees in Eden
[1078] The Search For EdenPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1078] The Search For Eden
[1079] The Woman As Gods GiftPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1079] The Woman As Gods Gift
[1080] Lukes Resurrection MessagePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1080] Lukes Resurrection Message
[1081] The Communion of the SaintsRev. Andy ElamEphesians  Download: [1081] The Communion of the Saints
[1082] Did God Actually SayPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1082] Did God Actually Say
[1083] Mothers as Gods GiftPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1083] Mothers as Gods Gift
[1084] Where Have You Taken His BodyRev. Pete VosteenJohn  Download: [1084] Where Have You Taken His Body
[1085] Sins Downward SpiralPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1085] Sins Downward Spiral
[1086] Their Eyes Were OpenedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1086] Their Eyes Were Opened
[1087] Pursuing the More Excellent WayMr. Scott Hunter1 Corinthians  Download: [1087] Pursuing the More Excellent Way
[1088] Fathers as the Covenant HeadPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1088] Fathers as the Covenant Head
[1089] The Depth of the Fall of ManPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1089] The Depth of the Fall of Man
[1090] The Seed of the WomanPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1090] The Seed of the Woman
[1091] The Effects of the FallPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1091] The Effects of the Fall
[1092] Guarding the Way to the Tree of LifePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1092] Guarding the Way to the Tree of Life
[1093] Abels Faith in the LambPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1093] Abels Faith in the Lamb
[1094] When Sin MastersPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1094] When Sin Masters
[1095] He Gives Greater GraceMr. Ben DavenportJames  Download: [1095] He Gives Greater Grace
[1096]The Way of CainPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1096]The Way of Cain
[1097] The City of ManPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1097] The City of Man
[1098] Bearing the Marks of the City of GodPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1098] Bearing the Marks of the City of God
[1099] The Faith of EnochPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1099] The Faith of Enoch
[1100] Judes DoxologyRev. James DennisonJude  Download: [1100] Judes Doxology
[1101] Blessed Are Your EyesMr. Ben DavenportMatthew  Download: [1101] Blessed Are Your Eyes
[1102] Enoch SpeaksPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1102] Enoch Speaks
[1103] Let Us Hold Fast Our ConfessionRev. Andy ElamHebrews  Download: [1103] Let Us Hold Fast Our Confession
[1104] In the Days of NoahPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1104] In the Days of Noah
[1105] In the Days of Noah-Part IIPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1105] In the Days of Noah-Part II
[1106] Gods De-creation and Salvation PlanPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1106] Gods De-creation and Salvation Plan
[1107] A Judgement OrdealPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1107] A Judgement Ordeal
[1108] A New BeginningPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1108] A New Beginning
[1109] Thanksgiving in a Post-Flood WorldPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1109] Thanksgiving in a Post-Flood World
[1110] God Preserves LifePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1110] God Preserves Life
[1111] When you see the RainbowPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1111] When you see the Rainbow
[1112] Driven By GraceRev. Earl Vanderhoff2 Corinthians  Download: [1112] Driven By Grace
[1113] Noahs FallPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1113] Noahs Fall
[1114] The Table of NationsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1114] The Table of Nations
[1115] When the Time Had Finally ComePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1115] When the Time Had Finally Come
[1116] The Shepherd King of BethlehemRev. Andy ElamMatthew  Download: [1116] The Shepherd King of Bethlehem
[1117] The Tower of BabelPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1117] The Tower of Babel
[1118] The Transition to AbramPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1118] The Transition to Abram
[1119] Abrams Call and Gods PromisesPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1119] Abrams Call and Gods Promises
[1120] The Life of a SojournerPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1120] The Life of a Sojourner
[1121] Abrams Failure and Gods InterventionPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1121] Abrams Failure and Gods Intervention
[1122] Where Is Your Tent PitchedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1122] Where Is Your Tent Pitched
[1124] Melchizedek King and PriestPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1124] Melchizedek King and Priest
[1125] Gods Attributes and Abrams FaithPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1125] Gods Attributes and Abrams Faith
[1126] By Oath ConfirmedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1126] By Oath Confirmed
[1127] The Promised Seed PreservedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1127] The Promised Seed Preserved
[1128] Gods Covenant with Abram and YouPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1128] Gods Covenant with Abram and You
[1129] The King and the KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1129] The King and the Kingdom
[1130] Christs Resurrection and YouPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1130] Christs Resurrection and You
[1131] Faith in Gods Resurrection PowerPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1131] Faith in Gods Resurrection Power
[1132] Sarah LaughedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1132] Sarah Laughed
[1133] Blessed Are the Poor In SpiritRev. Andy ElamMatthew  Download: [1133] Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit
[1134] God Shows His Justice and MercyPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1134] God Shows His Justice and Mercy
[1135] Apphia Our SisterPastor Robert Van KootenPhilemon  Download: [1135] Apphia Our Sister
[1136] SodomPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1136] Sodom
[1137] Remembering SodomPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1137] Remembering Sodom
[1138] Lots Miserable EndPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1138] Lots Miserable End
[1139] Gods Greeting of GraceMr. Scott Hunter1 Corinthians  Download: [1139] Gods Greeting of Grace
[1140] Rebuked By a HeathenPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1140] Rebuked By a Heathen
[1141] The Birth of IsaacPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1141] The Birth of Isaac
[1142] Abrahams Family DividedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1142] Abrahams Family Divided
[1143] Ishmael in the WildernessPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1143] Ishmael in the Wilderness
[1144] Abraham & The KingPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1144] Abraham & The King
[1145] God Tests Abrahams FaithPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1145] God Tests Abrahams Faith
[1146] Abraham Drawn InPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1146] Abraham Drawn In
[1147] Abrahams Burial GroundPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1147] Abrahams Burial Ground
[1148] Finding a Bride For IssacPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1148] Finding a Bride For Issac
[1149] Capernaum MinistryMr. Steven LauerLuke  Download: [1149] Capernaum Ministry
[1150] A Wife for IsaacPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1150] A Wife for Isaac
[1151] The Death of AbrahamPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1151] The Death of Abraham
[1152] Gods Sovereign ChoicePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1152] Gods Sovereign Choice
[1153] Death Be Not ProudMr. Scott HunterHosea  Download: [1153] Death Be Not Proud
[1154] Walking in LoveRev. Pete VosteenEphesians  Download: [1154] Walking in Love
[1155] The True Basis for PrayerRev. Andy ElamMatthew  Download: [1155] The True Basis for Prayer
[1156] Esau Sells His BirthrightPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1156] Esau Sells His Birthright
[1157] Like Father, Like SonPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1157] Like Father, Like Son
[1158] Isaac In GerarPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1158] Isaac In Gerar
[1159] Isaac Blesses Jacob    Download: [1159] Isaac Blesses Jacob
[1160] Esaus TearsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1160] Esaus Tears
[1161] Jacob’s Blessing and Esau’s WorksPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1161] Jacob’s Blessing and Esau’s Works
[1163] Jacob at the WellPastor Robert Van Kooten/Unknown artistGenesis  Download: [1163] Jacob at the Well
[1164] God has Jacob Look in the MirrorPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1164] God has Jacob Look in the Mirror
[1165] Jacob’s Desperate WivesPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1165] Jacob’s Desperate Wives
[1166] Jacob’s Desperate Wives IIPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1166] Jacob’s Desperate Wives II
[1167] Hannah’s Prayer for the KingPastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2016 Download: [1167] Hannah’s Prayer for the King
[1168] Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our DebtorsRev. Andy ElamMatthew2016 Download: [1168] Forgive Us Our Debts As We Forgive Our Debtors
[1169] A New Year & God’s Steadfast LovePastor Robert Van Kooten1 Samuel2016 Download: [1169] A New Year & God’s Steadfast Love
[1170] God Blesses in the Midst of SchemesPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1170] God Blesses in the Midst of Schemes
[1171] Jacob’s Circumstantial TestimonyPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1171] Jacob’s Circumstantial Testimony
[1172] Jacobs Gods Protection TestimonyPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1172] Jacobs Gods Protection Testimony
[1173] The Covenant of MizpahPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1173] The Covenant of Mizpah
[1174] Jacob Driven to His KneesPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1174] Jacob Driven to His Knees
[1175] Jacob’s ConversionPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1175] Jacob’s Conversion
[1176] Jacob Comes Full CirclePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1176] Jacob Comes Full Circle
[1177] Jacob’s Daughter DefiledPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1177] Jacob’s Daughter Defiled
[1178] Dinahs AvengersPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1178] Dinahs Avengers
[1179] Jacobs Return to BethelPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1179] Jacobs Return to Bethel
[1180] Lessons from Isaacs GenerationPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1180] Lessons from Isaacs Generation
[1181] Maundy ThursdayPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [1181] Maundy Thursday
[1182} Jesus Resurrection AppliedPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1182} Jesus Resurrection Applied
[1183] A Pilgrim of PeacePastor Robert Van KootenPsalm2016 Download: [1183] A Pilgrim of Peace
[1184] The Generation of EsauPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1184] The Generation of Esau
[1185] Joseph the SonPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1185] Joseph the Son
[1186] Your Sins Are ForgivenRev. Andy ElamMatthew2016 Download: [1186] Your Sins Are Forgiven
[1187] Joseph the Suffering ServantPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1187] Joseph the Suffering Servant
[1188] Deborah Encourages BarakPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1188] Deborah Encourages Barak
[1189] Sin, Shame and SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1189] Sin, Shame and Salvation
[1190] The Lord was With JosephPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1190] The Lord was With Joseph
[1191] Joseph the Servant ProphetPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1191] Joseph the Servant Prophet
[1192] Joseph’s Wisdom and Pharaoh’s DreamsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1192] Joseph’s Wisdom and Pharaoh’s Dreams
[1193] A Child of Extravagent GraceMr. Scott HunterRuth2016 Download: [1193] A Child of Extravagent Grace
[1194] Joseph’s ExaltationPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1194] Joseph’s Exaltation
[1195] Restoration BeginsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1195] Restoration Begins
[1196] Josephs Brothers ExposedPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1196] Josephs Brothers Exposed
[1197] Judahs Pledge and Jacobs SurrenderPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1197] Judahs Pledge and Jacobs Surrender
[1198] Authority to ForgiveMr. Steven LauerLuke  Download: [1198] Authority to Forgive
[1199] Joseph in the Process of ReconciliationPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1199] Joseph in the Process of Reconciliation
[1200] Judah Takes the PlacePastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1200] Judah Takes the Place
[1201] Joseph Mirrors the MessiahPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis2016 Download: [1201] Joseph Mirrors the Messiah
[1202] Joseph and Resurrection BlessingsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1202] Joseph and Resurrection Blessings
[1203] Israel Goes to EgyptPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1203] Israel Goes to Egypt
[1204] God’s People Live in the World but Not Of ItPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1204] God’s People Live in the World but Not Of It
[1205] Do you Understand the Grace of GodPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1205] Do you Understand the Grace of God
[1206] The Kings BlessingsMr. Steven LauerLuke  Download: [1206] The Kings Blessings
[1207] Love Your EnemiesMr. Steven LauerLuke  Download: [1207] Love Your Enemies
[1208] The Word Choked by ThornsRev. Don PoundstoneLuke  Download: [1208] The Word Choked by Thorns
[1209] David’s Cry & God’s ExaltationPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1209] David’s Cry & God’s Exaltation
[1210] Joseph Serves As God’s ProviderPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1210] Joseph Serves As God’s Provider
[1211] Jacob Blesses Joseph’s SonsPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1211] Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons
[1212] Do You Know Josephs BlessingPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1212] Do You Know Josephs Blessing
[1213] Jacobs Maladiction and Benediciton ProphecyPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1213] Jacobs Maladiction and Benediciton Prophecy
[1214] Jacob Blesses JosephPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1214] Jacob Blesses Joseph
[1215] The Death of JacobPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1215] The Death of Jacob
[1216] Jacobs BurialPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1216] Jacobs Burial
[1217] Joseph Forgives His BrothersPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1217] Joseph Forgives His Brothers
[1218] Josephs Faith In the ExodusPastor Robert Van KootenGenesis  Download: [1218] Josephs Faith In the Exodus
[1219] The Prologue of LukePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1219] The Prologue of Luke
[1220] The Annunciation of the Birth of John the BaptistPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1220] The Annunciation of the Birth of John the Baptist
[1221] The Annunciation of Jesus BirthPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1221] The Annunciation of Jesus Birth
[1222] For This Reason, We PrayMr. Scott HunterEphesians  Download: [1222] For This Reason, We Pray
[1223] The Baby Leaped for JoyPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1223] The Baby Leaped for Joy
[1224] Zechariah SpeaksPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1224] Zechariah Speaks
[1225] The King has ComePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1225] The King has Come
[1226] The Importance of the Virgin BirthPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1226] The Importance of the Virgin Birth
[1227] The Shepherds and the SaviorPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1227] The Shepherds and the Savior
[1228] Jesus Paid It AllPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1228] Jesus Paid It All
[1229] Pauls PrayerPastor Robert Van Kooten/Mr. Rudie DuysingsLuke  Download: [1229] Pauls Prayer
[1230] Simeon’s FarewellPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1230] Simeon’s Farewell
[1231] Anna at the TemplePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1231] Anna at the Temple
[1232] The Self-Disclosure of JesusPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1232] The Self-Disclosure of Jesus
[1233] Tiberius CaesarPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1233] Tiberius Caesar
[1234] John Proclaims the Coming KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1234] John Proclaims the Coming Kingdom
[1235] Bear Fruits in Keeping with RepentancePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1235] Bear Fruits in Keeping with Repentance
[1236] The Winnowing Fork is at HandPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1236] The Winnowing Fork is at Hand
[1237] The Two GarmentsPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [1237] The Two Garments
[1238] Meeting The Risen LordPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [1238] Meeting The Risen Lord
[1239] Why was Jesus BaptisedPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1239] Why was Jesus Baptised
[1240] Cross Bearing and DiscipleshipRev. Andy ElamMatthew  Download: [1240] Cross Bearing and Discipleship
[1241] The Genealogy of the Son of GodPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1241] The Genealogy of the Son of God
[1242] Jesus’ TemptationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1242] Jesus’ Temptation
[1243] Jesus Sermon at NazerethPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1243] Jesus Sermon at Nazereth
[1244] Heaven Arrives on EarthPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1244] Heaven Arrives on Earth
[1245] Salvation Comes to NaamanMr. Ying-Ju Chen2 Kings  Download: [1245] Salvation Comes to Naaman
[1246] Fishers of MenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1246] Fishers of Men
[1247] The Cleansing of the LeperPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1247] The Cleansing of the Leper
[1248] Your Sins Are ForgivenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1248] Your Sins Are Forgiven
[1249] The Call of LeviPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1249] The Call of Levi
[1250] Don’t Ruin the GospelPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1250] Don’t Ruin the Gospel
[1251] Lord of the SabbathPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1251] Lord of the Sabbath
[1252] Lord of the Sabbath IIPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1252] Lord of the Sabbath II
[1253] The New IsraelPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1253] The New Israel
[1254] The Sermon On the PlainPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1254] The Sermon On the Plain
[1255] God’s Golden RulePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1255] God’s Golden Rule
[1256] Judge NotPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1256] Judge Not
[1257] Christ the FoundationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1257] Christ the Foundation
[1258] Is God SilentPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1258] Is God Silent
[1259] God Vindicates His NameMr. Ying-Ju ChenEzekiel  Download: [1259] God Vindicates His Name
[1260] The Aroma of ChristRev. Nathaniel Thompson2 Corinthians  Download: [1260] The Aroma of Christ
[1261] And the Kingdom Shall Be the Lord’sRev. Andy ElamObadiah  Download: [1261] And the Kingdom Shall Be the Lord’s
[1262] The Resurrection At NainPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1262] The Resurrection At Nain
[1263] John’s Kingdom LessonPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1263] John’s Kingdom Lesson
[1264] Greater Than John the BaptistPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1264] Greater Than John the Baptist
[1265] Like Children In the MarketplacePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1265] Like Children In the Marketplace
[1266] A Pharisee ExposedPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1266] A Pharisee Exposed
[1267] The Parable of the SowerPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1267] The Parable of the Sower
[1268] Like a Lamp on a StandPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1268] Like a Lamp on a Stand
[1269] Jesus Lord of the StormPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1269] Jesus Lord of the Storm
[1270] Jesus Drives out the DemonsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1270] Jesus Drives out the Demons
[1271] Luke’s Greatest MiraclePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1271] Luke’s Greatest Miracle
[1272] The Mission of the ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1272] The Mission of the Church
[1273] Who is Jesus of NazerethPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1273] Who is Jesus of Nazereth
[1274] Joseph Being a Just ManPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1274] Joseph Being a Just Man
[1275] Living In the Light Of the EndRev. Andy Elam1 Peter  Download: [1275] Living In the Light Of the End
[1276] The Lord is Your KeeperPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1276] The Lord is Your Keeper
[1277] The Cost of DiscipleshipPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1277] The Cost of Discipleship
[1278] The Transfiguration–A Glimpse of GloryPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1278] The Transfiguration–A Glimpse of Glory
[1279] The PassionPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1279] The Passion
[1280] Discipleship In the Kingdom of GodPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1280] Discipleship In the Kingdom of God
[1281] Serving the Lord of HarvestPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1281] Serving the Lord of Harvest
[1282] The Kingdom of God RevealedPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1282] The Kingdom of God Revealed
[1283] The Good SamaritanPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1283] The Good Samaritan
[1284] The Message of Mary and MarthaPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1284] The Message of Mary and Martha
[1285] Jesus Teaches Us to PrayPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1285] Jesus Teaches Us to Pray
[1286] Like a Friend at MidnightPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1286] Like a Friend at Midnight
[1287] Let us Run with EnduranceRev. Andy ElamHebrews  Download: [1287] Let us Run with Endurance
[1288] Beneath the Cross of JesusPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [1288] Beneath the Cross of Jesus
[1289] The Resurrection unto Eternal GloryPastor Robert Van KootenRevelation  Download: [1289] The Resurrection unto Eternal Glory
[1290] The Gospel RevolutionPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1290] The Gospel Revolution
[1291] The Sign of JonahPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1291] The Sign of Jonah
[1292] Out Of The HeartPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1292] Out Of The Heart
[1293] Remembering The Deeds Of The LordRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [1293] Remembering The Deeds Of The Lord
[1294] Three Woes to the LawyersPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1294] Three Woes to the Lawyers
[1295] Confessing ChristPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1295] Confessing Christ
[1296] The Unpardonable SinPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1296] The Unpardonable Sin
[1297] The Parable of the Rich FoolPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1297] The Parable of the Rich Fool
[1298] Do not Be AnxiousPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1298] Do not Be Anxious
[1299] The Parable of the Faithful ServantPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1299] The Parable of the Faithful Servant
[1300] A Father’s Day Gospel CallPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1300] A Father’s Day Gospel Call
[1301] A Match Made In heavenMr. Scott HunterEphesians  Download: [1301] A Match Made In heaven
[1302] Repent or PerishPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1302] Repent or Perish
[1303] What is the Kingdom of God LikePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1303] What is the Kingdom of God Like
[1304] The Narrow Door is OpenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1304] The Narrow Door is Open
[1305] The Elder and Deacon as GiftsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1305] The Elder and Deacon as Gifts
[1306] The Fox and the HenPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1306] The Fox and the Hen
[1307] The Parable of the Wedding FeastPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1307] The Parable of the Wedding Feast
[1308] The Great BanquetPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1308] The Great Banquet
[1309] The Cost of DiscipleshipPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1309] The Cost of Discipleship
[1310] The Lost SheepPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1310] The Lost Sheep
[1311] The Lost CoinPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1311] The Lost Coin
[1312] I am Not Ashamed of the GospelMr. Scott HunterRomans  Download: [1312] I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel
[1313] Made in the Image of GodRev. Nathaniel ThompsonGenesis  Download: [1313] Made in the Image of God
[1314] The Lost SonPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1314] The Lost Son
[1315] Saved from SlippingRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [1315] Saved from Slipping
[1316] The Parable of the Lost Older SonPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1316] The Parable of the Lost Older Son
[1317] The Parable of the Dishonest ManagerPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1317] The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
[1318] The Law and the Kingdom of GodPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1318] The Law and the Kingdom of God
[1319] The Rich Man and LazarusPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1319] The Rich Man and Lazarus
[1320] The Disciples Learn the GospelPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1320] The Disciples Learn the Gospel
[1321] The Faith of the SamaritanPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1321] The Faith of the Samaritan
[1322] The Coming of the KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1322] The Coming of the Kingdom
[1323] The Parable of the Persistent WidowPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1323] The Parable of the Persistent Widow
[1324] The Pharisee and the Tax CollectorPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1324] The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
[1325] Are you Following JesusPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1325] Are you Following Jesus
[1326] The Blind Beggars FaithPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1326] The Blind Beggars Faith
[1327] The Genealogy of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1327] The Genealogy of Christ
[1328] Humility IncarnateRev. Andy ElamPhilippians  Download: [1328] Humility Incarnate
[1329] Let us Go to the House of the LordPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1329] Let us Go to the House of the Lord
[1330] Zacchaeus and The Day of SalvationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1330] Zacchaeus and The Day of Salvation
[1331] The Parable of the Ten MinasPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1331] The Parable of the Ten Minas
[1332] Lukes Triumphant EntryPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1332] Lukes Triumphant Entry
[1333] Jesus, Jerusalem and the TemplePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1333] Jesus, Jerusalem and the Temple
[1334] The Parable of the Wicked TenantsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1334] The Parable of the Wicked Tenants
[1335] Give to God What is GodsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1335] Give to God What is Gods
[1336] Having a Resurrection World ViewPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1336] Having a Resurrection World View
[1337] Davids Greater SonPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1337] Davids Greater Son
[1338] Two Kings, Two Kingdoms, Two FeastsMr. Scott HunterMatthew  Download: [1338] Two Kings, Two Kingdoms, Two Feasts
[1339] The Widow’s OfferingPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1339] The Widow’s Offering
[1340] The End of the TemplePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1340] The End of the Temple
[1341] Between the Beginning and the EndPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1341] Between the Beginning and the End
[1342] The End of JerusalemPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1342] The End of Jerusalem
[1343] It Is FinishedPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1343] It Is Finished
[1344] The Two CommissionsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1344] The Two Commissions
[1345] Living StonesRev. Andy Elam1 Peter  Download: [1345] Living Stones
[1346] The Second ComingPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1346] The Second Coming
[1347] One Day He’s ComingPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1347] One Day He’s Coming
[1348] Passover Betrayal and PreparationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1348] Passover Betrayal and Preparation
[1349] Redemptions Memorial ServicePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1349] Redemptions Memorial Service
[1350] Great in the Kingdom of GodPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1350] Great in the Kingdom of God
[1351] The Sight of JesusPastor Robert Van KootenJohn  Download: [1351] The Sight of Jesus
[1352] The Lord is My StrengthPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1352] The Lord is My Strength
[1353] Pray that you may not Enter into TemptationPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1353] Pray that you may not Enter into Temptation
[1354] The One and the ManyRev. Brian Guinto1 Corinthians  Download: [1354] The One and the Many
[1355] Betrayal and SubmissionPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1355] Betrayal and Submission
[1356] Peters DenialPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1356] Peters Denial
[1357] Jesus Before the Jewish CouncilPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1357] Jesus Before the Jewish Council
[1358] To Eat and Drink with GodPastor Robert Van KootenExodus  Download: [1358] To Eat and Drink with God
[1359] Jesus Before Pontius PilatePastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1359] Jesus Before Pontius Pilate
[1360] Jesus Before HerodPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1360] Jesus Before Herod
[1361] Jesus and BarabbasPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1361] Jesus and Barabbas
[1362] Simon and the Way of the CrossPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1362] Simon and the Way of the Cross
[1363] The Faith of the Dying CriminalPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1363] The Faith of the Dying Criminal
[1364] According to His Own MercyRev. David CrumEzekiel  Download: [1364] According to His Own Mercy
[1365] A Joyful FellowshipMr. Ying-Ju Chen1 John  Download: [1365] A Joyful Fellowship
[1366] The Death of JesusPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1366] The Death of Jesus
[1367] The Blessing of Gods ForgivenessRev. Andy ElamPsalm  Download: [1367] The Blessing of Gods Forgiveness
[1368] Baptism Now Saves You    Download: [1368] Baptism Now Saves You
[1369] Jesus BurialPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1369] Jesus Burial
[1370] The Empty TombPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1370] The Empty Tomb
[1371] On The Road to EmmausPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1371] On The Road to Emmaus
[1372] Jesus Appears to His DisciplesPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1372] Jesus Appears to His Disciples
[1373] The Blesses and AscendsPastor Robert Van KootenLuke  Download: [1373] The Blesses and Ascends
[1374] The Acts of . . .Pastor Robert Van KootenActs (Luke)  Download: [1374] The Acts of . . .
[1375] Jesus Ascension and the Kingdom of GodPastor Robert Van KootenActs (Luke)  Download: [1375] Jesus Ascension and the Kingdom of God
[1376] The Mothers of the Messiah–TamarPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1376] The Mothers of the Messiah–Tamar
[1377] Mothers of the Messiah–RahabPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1377] Mothers of the Messiah–Rahab
[1378] Mothers of the Messiah–RuthPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1378] Mothers of the Messiah–Ruth
[1379] Mothers of the Messiah–The Wife of UriahPastor Robert Van KootenMatthew  Download: [1379] Mothers of the Messiah–The Wife of Uriah
[1380] Song of Holy ConfidenceMr. Rudie DuysingsPsalm  Download: [1380] Song of Holy Confidence
[1381] Have Mercy, O Lord, Have MercyPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1381] Have Mercy, O Lord, Have Mercy
[1382] Colossians IntroductionPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1382] Colossians Introduction
[1383] The Colossian PresciptPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1383] The Colossian Prescipt
[1384] The Colossian Prescript 2Pastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1384] The Colossian Prescript 2
[1385] Paul-Praying-Always    Download: [1385] Paul-Praying-Always
[1386] The Missionary Report ResponsePastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1386] The Missionary Report Response
[1387] The Gospel Union MirrorPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1387] The Gospel Union Mirror
[1388] Pauls Prayer For the Colossians    Download: [1388] Pauls Prayer For the Colossians
[1389] Transferred in the Kingdom of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1389] Transferred in the Kingdom of Christ
[1390] Jesus, The Image of the Invisible GodPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1390] Jesus, The Image of the Invisible God
[1391] The New World of RedemptionPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1391] The New World of Redemption
[1392] The Firstborn from the DeadPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1392] The Firstborn from the Dead
[1393] Your Reconciliation in ChristPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1393] Your Reconciliation in Christ
[1394] Filling Up Christs AfflictionsPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1394] Filling Up Christs Afflictions
[1395] Jesus Resurrection in the Gospel of MarkPastor Robert Van KootenMark  Download: [1395] Jesus Resurrection in the Gospel of Mark
[1396] Good Order and Firmness in an Unstable WorldPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1396] Good Order and Firmness in an Unstable World
[1397] Being Alive in ChristPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1397] Being Alive in Christ
[1398] Your LIfe is Filled with ChristPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1398] Your LIfe is Filled with Christ
[1399] Your Union with Christ ReversalPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1399] Your Union with Christ Reversal
[1400] The Old Testament Feasts FulfilledPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1400] The Old Testament Feasts Fulfilled
[1401] The Shadow Ceremonies FulfilledPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1401] The Shadow Ceremonies Fulfilled
[1402] Warnings for ChristiansPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1402] Warnings for Christians
[1403] Heavenly ThinkingPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1403] Heavenly Thinking
[1404] The Once but Now Life TransitionPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1404] The Once but Now Life Transition
[1405] Being Renewed in the Image of Your CreatorPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1405] Being Renewed in the Image of Your Creator
[1406] The Practices of New Self RelationshipsPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1406] The Practices of New Self Relationships
[1407] The New Self and ThankfulnessPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1407] The New Self and Thankfulness
[1408] The New Self RelationshipsPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1408] The New Self Relationships
[1409] The New Self Master Servant ParadigmPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1409] The New Self Master Servant Paradigm
[1410] The Prayer and Christian Witness MirrorPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1410] The Prayer and Christian Witness Mirror
[1411] To Encourage Your HeartsPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1411] To Encourage Your Hearts
[1412] The Fellow Workers of CircumcisionPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1412] The Fellow Workers of Circumcision
[1413] Epaphras A Fairthful Minister of ChristPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1413] Epaphras A Fairthful Minister of Christ
[1414] Luke and Demas Send Christian GreetingsPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1414] Luke and Demas Send Christian Greetings
[1415] Nympha, Archippus, and PaulPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1415] Nympha, Archippus, and Paul
[1416] The Story of the Colossian ChurchPastor Robert Van KootenColossian  Download: [1416] The Story of the Colossian Church
[1417] The Priority of Gods PresenceMr. Scott HunterPsalm  Download: [1417] The Priority of Gods Presence
[1418] Walk in the LightMr. Ying-Ju Chen1 John  Download: [1418] Walk in the Light
[1419] No Other NameRev. Andy ElamActs  Download: [1419] No Other Name
[1420] Finding Satisfaction In the WildernessPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1420] Finding Satisfaction In the Wilderness
[1421] Daniel at the Crossroads of HistoryPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1421] Daniel at the Crossroads of History
[1422] Daniel Living in BabylonPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1422] Daniel Living in Babylon
[1423] Daniel’s Faithfulness and God’s InterventionPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1423] Daniel’s Faithfulness and God’s Intervention
[1424] The Wisdom of God RevealedPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1424] The Wisdom of God Revealed
[1425] Christ and Our SinMr. Ying-Ju Chen1 John  Download: [1425] Christ and Our Sin
[1426] The Nations and the God of HeavenPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1426] The Nations and the God of Heaven
[1427] The Faith of Shadrach, Meshack, and AbednegoPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1427] The Faith of Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego
[1428] Saved from the Fiery FurnacePastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1428] Saved from the Fiery Furnace
[1429] United with Christ in Suffering and GlorryMr. David MahaffyRomans  Download: [1429] United with Christ in Suffering and Glorry
[1430] The Most High Gods Humbles The NationsPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1430] The Most High Gods Humbles The Nations
[1431] Nebuchadnezzar Humbled and RestoredPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1431] Nebuchadnezzar Humbled and Restored
[1432] The Glory of a Bethlehem EveningMr. Scott HunterPsalm  Download: [1432] The Glory of a Bethlehem Evening
[1433] Restore our Fortunes, O LordPastor Robert Van KootenPsalm  Download: [1433] Restore our Fortunes, O Lord
[1434] The Handwriting on the WallPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1434] The Handwriting on the Wall
[1435] The Fall of BabylonPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1435] The Fall of Babylon
[1436] Daniels Eschatological FaithPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1436] Daniels Eschatological Faith
[1437] God Saves Daniel from the LionsPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1437] God Saves Daniel from the Lions
[1438] Christ’s Vertical KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1438] Christ’s Vertical Kingdom
[1439] The Four Beasts and the Son of manPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1439] The Four Beasts and the Son of man
[1440] Daniel Vision of the Fifth KingdomPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1440] Daniel Vision of the Fifth Kingdom
[1441] The Little Horn and the AntichristPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1441] The Little Horn and the Antichrist
[1442] Daniels Vision of The Ram and the GoatPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1442] Daniels Vision of The Ram and the Goat
[1443] The Angel Gabriel Interprets the VisionPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1443] The Angel Gabriel Interprets the Vision
[1444] Daniels Prayer for the PeoplePastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1444] Daniels Prayer for the People
[1445] The Witness of the Two Marys and You    Download: [1445] The Witness of the Two Marys and You
[1446] The Glorious Message of the Seventy Weeks    Download: [1446] The Glorious Message of the Seventy Weeks
[1447] The Vision of Daniel Concerning the Divine Man    Download: [1447] The Vision of Daniel Concerning the Divine Man
[1448] Strength For the Weary    Download: [1448] Strength For the Weary
[1449] Above All Earthly PowersPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1449] Above All Earthly Powers
[1450] The Sovereign God of HistoryPastor Robert Van KootenDaniel  Download: [1450] The Sovereign God of History
[1451] Kingdoms in Conflict    Download: [1451] Kingdoms in Conflict
[1452] The Reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes    Download: [1452] The Reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
[1453] Antiochus or the Antichrist    Download: [1453] Antiochus or the Antichrist
[1454] The Time of the End    Download: [1454] The Time of the End
[1455] The End Time Questions    Download: [1455] The End Time Questions
[1456] Has God Rejected Us    Download: [1456] Has God Rejected Us
[1457] Ephesians Introduction    Download: [1457] Ephesians Introduction
[1458] The Ephesian Prescript    Download: [1458] The Ephesian Prescript
[1459] Joy That Endures    Download: [1459] Joy That Endures
[1460] Spiritual Blessings in Christ    Download: [1460] Spiritual Blessings in Christ
[1461] The Blessing of Election    Download: [1461] The Blessing of Election
[1462] The Blessing of Adoption    Download: [1462] The Blessing of Adoption
[1463] Are You Thirsty    Download: [1463] Are You Thirsty
[1464] Redemption in his Blood    Download: [1464] Redemption in his Blood
[1465] All Things Summed Up In Christ    Download: [1465] All Things Summed Up In Christ
[1466] The Guarantee of Your Inheritance    Download: [1466] The Guarantee of Your Inheritance
[1467] Pauls Prayer for the Ephesians and You    Download: [1467] Pauls Prayer for the Ephesians and You
[1468] Humiliation and Exaltation    Download: [1468] Humiliation and Exaltation
[1469] Jacob I Loved; Esau I Hated    Download: [1469] Jacob I Loved; Esau I Hated
[1470] The Lord’s Chosen Lady    Download: [1470] The Lord’s Chosen Lady
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[1485] Unity and Growth in Christ’s Word    Download: [1485] Unity and Growth in Christ’s Word
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[1621] Saul On the Damascus Road    Download: [1621] Saul On the Damascus Road
[1622] Saul from Persecutor to Apostle    Download: [1622] Saul from Persecutor to Apostle
[1623] I Have Come