Visitor Information
We meet for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30am at the Wallin-Stucky Funeral Chapel. Our worship style is simple and reverent. See this page for more information, including a sample order of worship. Parking is available beside the building and in back; handicapped parking is available in front.
Following worship we have a fellowship time in the adjacent reception area, with coffee and light snacks (except for the 2nd Sunday of the month when we have a potluck meal).
We also have additional fellowship opportunities at other times; see this page for more information.
What about children?
We welcome children of all ages in our worship service, as it’s a joy to see our children learning how to worship God first by observing and then by participating as they grow older. We also have a couple rows of chairs setup in the overflow reception area just outside the chapel (which has video and audio of the service and windows to the chapel).
You are welcome to keep your infants and young children in worship with you and take them out if they get noisy. The front foyer has couches and chairs. If you need more privacy, one of the conference rooms to the left of the main chapel entrance has a speaker so you can still hear the service.
Sunday evenings
We close the Lord’s Day with a more informal time of singing, prayer, and teaching on Sunday evenings at 6pm (also at the funeral chapel). We start by singing some hymns, followed by a time of instruction on a particular topic or book of the Bible. We close by taking prayer requests and having a time of prayer.
What should I wear?
You’ll find people wearing everything from suits to shorts–since Whidbey Island is a vacation and camping destination, we frequently get visitors who are vacationing or camping on the island and dressed very casually.